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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-3-2004 at 11:25am
Current mood: Moodless
Music: Styx
Subject: "The rest is up to you..."
I've been thinking. (Yes thinking, never good... but hey, it happens.) But yea. I've been thinking about a lot of things actually. Ranging anywhere from friends and family situations to religion. It's crazy but after talking to Steph I finally found out what religion I really am and want to be. And what religion would that be? None. No that does not mean that I don't believe in or worship God. It means that I don't want to be a part of organized religion. See, we were talking about how authors many times will put down organized religion and make it sound so hypocritical. And when we started actually thinking about it... they're right. Which got me thinking about how I can't seem to find a religion that I completely agree with. My mom's religion has a lot of things I agree with, but when I go to youth group with Katie and we pray and such... I agree with things that they say too! It just got so frusterating, and now I know why. It helps a lot to know that. I thank the Lord for my sister... she helped me realize what was going on with the most important part of my life.

FYI: I am not in any way putting down the act of being religious, I'm just saying that organized religion is not something I agree with completely.

So yea. The stuff about my friends and family. My family just annoys the hell out of me sometimes. My dad can be the coolest person ever but then he can also be such a dumb ass. It just bugs me. My mom is most of the time the one I talk to when I want something just because she says yes more often than my dad, and she bitches at me a lot less. Steph, I can't really complain about her. She can be quite bitchy... but then again so can I. So really we're even.
And the last thing I've been thinking about: my friends. They're SO great most of the time. But sometimes I just want to strangle them. And it's annoying, because I feel like I can't tell them just to stop being stupid and go away because then they'll hate me and never talk to me again. There has been about one time in my life when I did get that annoyed and first they continued being dumb because they thought it was "funny when I got that mad" and when I continued to be mad they said I couldn't take a joke and then were mad at me for like a week. It just pisses me the hell off!!! I want to beat them up. But then it all goes away and I no longer am mad at them.... Gosh that's annoying. No that whole thing does not apply to all of my friends. Actually it only applies to about 5 of them... but those are the ones I see most often!! Meh, life.

The only comforting thing about something bad that happens to you is this; Karma is a boomerang. All you've done is gonna' come back twice. So just don't do stupid things and you're good. Do something stupid and you're basically screwed. Lovely isn't it? Ha, yea. Adios my friends. Rock on. much love.

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04-03-04 1:18pm

you can tell me to quit being stupid and go away. i wont mind

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Re:, 04-03-04 3:06pm

ya' know... you and re both commented on this and i find it hilarious cuz you are the two people who i've never been mad at lol. so don't worry about it my child. i love you!!!!

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04-03-04 1:45pm

hey, if i ever make u mad or if i'm ever being stupid please tell me! i promise i wont get mad i'd rather u tell me so i can stop k? i mean how many times have we really ever fought? not any that i can think of and i don't want to start now! luv u tonz gurlie!


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Re:, 04-03-04 3:07pm

i love you tonz too rere! don't worry i wasn't talking about you!! we never fight... it's great! well except at adam's party... but we just won't think about that!!!! much love rere.

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