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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote,
on 4-3-2004 at 12:31pm
Current mood: horny
Music: Yellowcard
Subject: Josh... mm.. (lmao)
o0ok.. second night went well.. cept for my little fight with amanda right b4 the last scene.. otherwise, GREAT! lol, ashley and nicole asked me to autograph their book! lol it was funny.. josh was to give me a ride then he said they were goin to Tom Jones, so i asked if i could come with and he let me so i called my mom and told her we were goin there and she said ok. So me and josh drop of lindsay (aka Hooch) and pick up Jess Salvey (her windshelid wipers werent working right so she couldnt drive) so on the way, joshs mom calls and he tells her what hes doing and who hes with hes like "im at jess's house coz i have to take her, and stefani, my 9-10 date.. stefani, the one im goin to the 9-10 with" so jess gets in and then we go and we meet up with everyone.. josh told the guy a party of 20, and there turned out to be 15 of us! lol, it was Kevin Maleike, Ashley Waninski, Helen Ann, Mandy Stewart, Josh, Caroline, Karin, Justin, (some chick i didnt kno), Danny and some boy i had just met who was really cute.. i think his name was Matt.. and ME! lol.. iight, well 12.. wait.. im missing sum1.. i remember counting 13.. hmm.. o0o well.. we were having so much fun outside waiting for them to call us in.. and when we were called in we all sat at the table in the back and we had a lot of fun.. i cant remember everything but i remember SOME things but i cant put them in order so i wont even bother!! lol.. and i asked josh b4 we even left the school "did u get the note..?" and hes like "yea.. i guess ill drive" and i was like "ok, and youll kno where i live when u take me home tonight" yea.. that was at like.. whut? exactly one o'clock!! lmao

and tonight, jess salveys havin a cast party at her house and i asked josh if hed give me a ride there if i was allowed and i JUST asked my mom and she said it was ok to go and ok if i was one of the ones to sleep over. i cant wait for it.. but then again, i dont want play to be over.. ::crycry:: but idk.. i dont really kno what i want coz i kno one thing that i want right now.. i cant have and thats Josh..

and ghaddamnit would SOMEONE PLEASE put some comments on here?? i wanna kno that SOMEONE is at least readin this shit!
well.. ima go
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yoo, 04-03-04 3:35pm

omg.. hey.. i havnt written in here for ever.. well okay.. im goin to disney so i will be home like next saturday so maybe we can do sumthing.. i hope you have a good time at the play.. and the party.. dnt do any thing i would do .. lol.. ha ha.. well ima go get ready to leave.. lol.. well not really.. but ima go any way.. i think ima go write in my jorunal.. prolly not.. lol.. well ttyl.. <3 amanda

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04-19-04 6:29pm

im concered about the mood of this entry

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Re:, 04-19-04 6:36pm

shut up bree!

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