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squishylover (profile) wrote,
on 4-10-2004 at 10:52pm
Current mood: ..I can't tell you
Music: Evanescence
Subject: Double ringer!!
Today was a good day, I hung out with Ryan and I actually saw a movie. We saw Scooby Doo 2 it was cute I liked it. Ryan got to see my drive today and he said he was impressed so that made me feel all weee inside. It was so god damn hot today it was like HUMIDITY ::can't breath::...Well today I had to go to a bridal shower for my friend Marlene who graduated last year from my school and it was really cool, I had alot of fun. We were outside opening presents and having fun. We finished that up and the lady who owned the house brought out a game for us, it was throw the ring on the penis (sorta like horseshoes). Well everyone had basically gone and no one got even one. My mom hands over the rings to me and was like give it a go so I'm like sure why not. Well I go to toss my first ring and WHAM! I got it on and everyone was like OMG!!##@%@ and laughing and haha, and I was sorta embarrased cause they are all thinking I'm the good kid yah know? Cause I'm so young and all. Well I go to toss the next ring and I miss, well I get another ringer and everyone was like DAAAAMMMNNNN she got it going on I was laughing and my mom was like hiding from me it was cool. Well all of a sudden the doorbell rang and were like huh? Even though I knew what was going on but I'm getting ahead of myself. So the owner of the house goes and answers the door and there's this cop there and he's like we have been having some complaints about noises and we need you to move your cars out front, and like the lady belived him and so did alot of other people. Well I took one look at him and I was like HAHAHAHHA but I kept my mouth shut, well he comes inside and asks to see the bride to be, and was asking all these questions. Well he said something and all of a sudden he turned on his music and started dancing then he was like "Officer hard cop needs to teach you a lesson." Well he brings Marlene to the chair and starts dancing and doing alll this carazy stuff. This black lady was there and she was psycho I mean she was jumping up and down..It looked like she hasn't gotten some in a loooooong time. Well he eventually danced with everyone in the room and there were two people left, me and this other lady. He goes to the other lady and starts messing with her, then he comes to me. And this lady Debbie (shes a friend I acutally know) She was like no you can't do anything to her she's 14 I look at her and I'm like I AM NOT 14, she just gave me this look like shut up. Well my mom said it was ok but he took it easy on my....and I was sorta dissapointed. Well he went down to a thong before he danced with everyone...He had a really nice ass. He was actually pretty good looking. Well that was the whole stripper situation. He was actually a nice guy afterwards we talked with him he was cool. I drank so much Sangria tonight I had to cool it cause I could feel a buzz coming on...I am such a drunk..not really but yah. I got a lil door prize thing for winning the ring toss, and it was these pretty smelling candles. They also had these penis straws....soooo cool I took one. So if you ever wanna see it tell me and I'll let you see it. I think Marlene might be too young to be getting married I dunno, but I'm happy for her. She deserves to be happy. Wow 15 and already I have seen a guy strip...::smiles thinking other happy thoughts:: I have seen alot in my years. Well that was my night and I really need to get to bed cause I have to wake up at 5 cause I have to be at work at 6....damn easter. But I get an easter basket...hopefully. Night all.

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ahh, 04-11-04 10:28am

Hey chasmin its dom amandas friend how did u pay the 2 dollars..

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Re: ahh, 04-11-04 4:22pm

Hey Dom what's up? I payed by paypal cause my mom has it. You can send it by mail though or something. But yah...I don't know I'm really tired right now and thats all. Bye bye

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