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WhitePony (profile) wrote,
on 4-16-2004 at 9:15pm
!TRES PREGUNTAS! No mas, no menos
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no mas, no menos, 04-16-04 9:27pm

1. what do you like the most about:
a) yourself
b) the united states
c) argentina
d) life
e) taco bell
f) rod stewart
g) cheese
h) clouds
i) michigan
j) being an ex-american gladiator
k) women
l) eating
m) fuzzy animals
n) beyonce
o) california
m) crying (yay!)
q) being a playa
r) playing the bass
s) hair
t) tocqueville
u) grocery stores
v) driving
w) chocolate
x) el espaņol
y) hands
z) laurence moob

2. who, of all your man crushes, would you sleep with if given the chance?

3. who is the sexiest person you know and why do you give him/her that title?

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Re: no mas, no menos, 04-26-04 1:26am

a. my serene demeanor.
b. the diversity.
c. Latina Luvas.
d. pondering existence.
e. Cheesy Gordita Crunch.
f. "Da Ya Think I'm Sexy" and Mike Myers in 'So I Married An Axe Murderer' when he plays his father and he's singing it at the wedding with the bagpiper. "We have a piper down. I repeat, our piper is down!"
g. eating blocks of it with my brother.
h. they way they can come in so many forms. From fluffy and full, to vast and encompassing, to gray and miserable, to orange and purple and lovely.
i. Moob, V, Stephie
j. having the perks of calling Zap for a booty call whenever I want.
k. *see H*
l. how we do it multiple times a day every single day of our life, yet it never gets old or less satisfying.
m. having them kneed your stomach and purr and then curl up. so adorable.
n. how Bootylicious she is in that video. My, oh my.
o. the variety of geomorphic provinces that are here.
p. that fact that I've embraced it.
q. wouldn't know about that.
r. It's less of a sound and more of a feeling. So in essence I'm touching everyone.
s. Getting lost in the abyss of black hair. Oh man, I can't handle it sometimes.
t. uhhh....?
u. how cold they are.
v. being able to completely unleash with singing without inhibitions.
w. I'll tell you what I don't like. How Neopolitan ice cream is so unfair and tends to put more chocolate than the other two. Its ludicrous.
x. the fun language, the delicious food, the tasty women.
y. "These hands. These hands look so strong don't they? But I couldn't hold on to them. The racing snail, the lazy bat." I dunno the quote, but you know what I'm talkin about, its a sad part. Not as sad as when Artax dies though. Aww.
z. Understanding, trustworthy, caring, compassionate, hilarious, wonderful, an ear, brother.

2) Ryan Reynolds

3) Laurence is the sexiest person I know. Why? Because he is the Michigan version of me and I am damn sexy, so duh.

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04-19-04 3:10pm

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