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boricuababy (profile) wrote,
on 4-24-2004 at 10:29am
Current mood: aggravated
Music: bling bling
Subject: ugh..
yea my dad didnt show up last nite to pick us up..itz nutten new..but i wuz countin on him to take us out somewhere..i havent done nething in like forevvverrr..cuz im still grounded and dat made me kinda im home..bored..he sed he wuz gonna pick us up today wen he getz off from work which is aroun itz juss me n n pat had to work overtime today..bcuz the company is movin into another building and they hafta for them..i can tell already that 2day is gonna be a lazy bum day..watchin tv in shit.. ehh..oh well..x0x0
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04-24-04 7:45pm

watchin tv in shit

- wut u sit in shit wen u watch tv?

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Re:, 04-24-04 11:25pm

no. what she meant was watchng TV among other things, mr(s). anonymous

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04-25-04 12:52pm

im sorry he did that to u kaila..but i hope u have a good bum day..we'll hang out real soon. i promise!

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