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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 4-25-2004 at 4:24pm
Current mood: lazy
Subject: You came and breathed some life into this lonely heart of mine, you through out the lifeline just in the nik of time.
I love that song. Back at one. It's such a pretty song. In like, 4th grade this guy that was my "boyfriend" dedicated it to me. I still love it now just as much as I did then. The annoying thing is though, everytime I hear it I think of him. Which gets incedibly annoying after a while. But yea, what're ya' gonna' do? He's still my friend so I suppose that's fine. But I really do LOVE that song.

I was helping my mom and grandpa polish my car. It was prettty fun. Ya' probably think I'm weird for saying that, but it was. It looks really bad right now but they're polishing it so it'll look better. All purty and such. but yea, fun stuff.

I really want to talk to one person, and that one person is the only one that isn't on. That so annoys me. grrrrr. But that's okay, I suppose I'll live.

Alright I'm gonna' leave now. Have a rockin' day. Much love. Adios

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04-25-04 4:41pm

so now u know how i feel huh?


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04-25-04 7:20pm

jacqui has a shiny car...

*touches jacqui's shiny car*

oooohh yeah.

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Re:, 04-26-04 6:47pm

wow michelle. wow.

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04-25-04 9:01pm

Ah, Jacqui.

You remember long ago when we were discussing that application for working on the farm?

Well, are you going to give it to me any time soon?

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Re:, 04-26-04 6:49pm

as soon as they give me the applications i shall give you one my dear. sorry for the delay, but they don't give them out for quite a while.

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