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maybenot (profile) wrote,
on 4-27-2004 at 2:43pm
to day was fun i got to show every my pic of my bf, every one was so suprised. I went to gt to day and when i was walking down 2 teachers came and busted me for dress code, im like dude, fuck off just because your cloths suck balls dosen't mean you have to get on mine. I think they were lesbo's i mean y are they looking there anyway, i had my jaket on half way, what ae they jelous i got boobs and i show them off or somthing. I dono there gay. Kaya and ashley filmed another movie thing to day down town, i cought my self a cople of times flirting wit him. Oops. lol but hey he's kool. O Well i miss kiki a lot and carmichael i think likes me but he is kikis best friend so he dosen't show it around kiki. lol
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04-28-04 12:13am

it is hard to resist b/c i am SO HOT! lol

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04-28-04 1:15am

i love you paulina!!!!!!!!
teachers can be like that , sadly, at least you dont have miss alu 4 a teacher, r u having a party?

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04-28-04 9:50pm

paulina, i need to make you an icon, so send me your password on i wont steal your account or anything, i created it , much love , nadia

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