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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 5-9-2004 at 8:36pm
Current mood: amused
Music: Harry Potter the movie
Subject: Happy Mother's Day!!
Do you know how much of a dork I am? Yea yea, shut up, I know what you're thinking! But anyway. Last night I was in my room with nothing to do, Steph was down stairs doing something and so were my parental units. So I was bored. I looked over at this chest of drawers and sitting there on top was some "mood" lip stick that my sister got in like 6th grade. It's blue but it can change to pink, purple and black. So being the dork I am I put some on. Then I put on this freaky blue sparkled eye shadow and looked in the mirror. I looked like a freak. So since I was bored I decided to continue this. I put on a mini-skirt that I would never ever wear in public and a tank top w/ another tank top over it. Then I got my sequined top hat and feather boa out and put those on too. I looked like a hooker!! It was so hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing for hours. Then when I went to see just how stupid I looked in the full length mirror, my mom came up the stairs and saw me! She looked so scared. And that just made me laugh harder!!! It was interesting I tell you. Odd, but interesting. So yea, just thought I'd let you all in on just how dorky I really am.

Talk to ya'll later, buh bye now.

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05-10-04 5:53pm

....and they call me a whore.......hmmm...

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Re:, 05-12-04 8:37pm

lol, thanks a lot michelle

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05-10-04 8:06pm

yes well its so much fun being a dork!!! what would everyone do if there were no dorks? i mean life just wouldn't be the same!


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Re:, 05-12-04 8:38pm

ha, very true my dear, very true

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05-10-04 11:16pm

wow........thats all i have to say......just wow (shakes head)


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Re:, 05-12-04 8:38pm

oh yea, like you've never done that! hehe.

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