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n01under5tand5 (profile) wrote,
on 6-5-2004 at 11:58pm
Music: none
Subject: My Dad and I don't see eye to eye...
My Dad and I don't see eye to eye... There's opinions we have and they are so different. He so worried about one person himself and then his family. Me on the other hand I'm worried about the people who need my help. Some say I'm a good person and they don't know why. I didn't realize until recently, but it's because when it comes to my friends and people who need me I put myself last to help someone else. Honestly answer this: If their was a building and it was on fire and you only had one escape the stairs and they were about to burn down and there was another guy in the building and one of you would live the other would die would you go or would you save him? Let's just say you were happy with your life everything was gong okay you had kids would you want them to think that you scarificed yourself so someone else could live or would you want them to think you let someone die?Let just give the story another twist this guy is a bum would your answer change? If you said you would save him he lets you go because you already told him about your family and he has no one and firefighter come and save him later hes just fine and so are you. If you said you would save yourself firefighters come and save him but you were knocked out and burn to death on the stairs for selfishness will be the end of you. At least thats what I believe... that everything happens for a reason even if you let him go first you may still have died but at least you did what you felt was right. Well I can answer that easily I would save the other guy. I know it may sound stupid, but to me it's the right thing to do. Well just like that I think you need to let kids go and experience things for them selves. You can't forever hold them hostage. Why? am I stating that your, a kid too if your reading this and you probably feel the same. Some of you will change become over protective and some of you won't. I think some parents care so much they smother their children and other don't care enough and some care just right and others care in all the wrong ways. I care. I think everything has a cause and will happen if its suppose to. I believe we should help each other. I believe the way we are and turn out has everything to do with the way we are treated at home and by others. Some people have their heads so far up their asses they can't see both sides of things so they believe what they want to. Some are so concerned with popularity that they don't realize it won't matter very much later on . Some are so stuck on being so different that they turn out to be just the same theres only so much orignality you can have anymore. Some are so stuck on being the same that they hide who they really are and actually distance themselves. Everyone should be proud of who they are enough to accept it take chance and not think about what others think or say. I can wake-up in the morning put a smile on but that doesn't make it real. I can wake-up in the morning put a smile go to school wearing that same smile and in the end someone will smile back and make my smile mean something and feel real. Sometimes I see things I think others don't sometimes I judge myself and over analyze myself to much and I start to self destruct all because of what someone else might think. Well here it is I don't care what anyone thinks anymore. I'm going to do what I want when I want and I'm not going to let anyone hold me back I'm not going to be unhappy with myself later because some people are unhappy with me now. If you don't like me for who I am how can you like yourself for who you are? I'm not saying anyone has to like me or accept me I'm just asking for a chance. I'm not the trendy one I'm not the possuer I'm the outcast the individual do you know why? Unlike so many I'm no longer tring to please the crowd by doing the trendy thing. I'm going to do the right thing. I'm going to do what makes me happy and not let others influence or effect my life negatively. You set standards for yourself for things you want to achieve each day well I want to be set apart from others by my maturity. I like me I actually do. I'm not conceited, but I like the way I am I like the way I dress and express myself. I don't like the way I look I don't like some of my habbits I don't like letting others down and I don't like making myself feel bad because I don't think I'm good enough or up to other peoples standards. Forget others standards like I always say I'm living for me I have a mind of my own I know I'm smart. Don't put me down because you don't think so put yourself up realize that you are just as good as me because you are. I'm not putting anyone down I think everyone needs a self realization maybe I can help maybe I can't and maybe you'll take in what I say and maybe it won't mean a "Damn" thing to you.

Love yaz all !

Don't judge me or
put labels on me.
Don't order me or
classify me.
Don't asess me or
compare me.
Don't conform me or
try and break me.
Don't lower me to what you
think you are or what think I should be
raise yourself to who you and what
you could be.
Don't think about me or
wonder why you'll never
really knw for sure.
Don't talk behind my back
its a pointless waste of
time, energy and your
Don't discourage me or
tear me down.
Don't try and make everything
I do have a logical explaination.
Don't torment me in
Dont destroy me or
my name.
Don't understand me
well I'm not the one
to blame for that anymore.
Don't be ignorant
open your eys and you
will see.
Don't make untrue
assumptions about me.

There will be some who take offense to this but that only because they are guilty of the thoughts or doings above.
We all judge I know but not all of us allow our judgements to stick.
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Incredible, 06-06-04 10:33pm

Wow June, all i can say is that you are just incredible. Thats the only way that I can describe you...INCREDIBLE! I truley dont think that there is a nicer or more caring, lovely person then you. You are the most considerate person i have ever know in my entire life. Your incredible. I <3 you, John (MHB)

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Re: Incredible, 06-06-04 10:37pm

i heart you too

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