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supergurl (profile) wrote,
on 6-6-2004 at 12:33pm
Current mood: sad
Subject: a friend
...hmmmm, im really sad.....My friend, we'll call her "Tiffany"...she changed for this guy...or so I think....but ever since then, she's been into alot of different stuff....and different friends...which don't include me....and the funny part is, she gave up everything she loved in just a few days...w/ the exception of a few things....I juss wish that she would still hang out w/ her old friends....u know, the ones that have always been there for her w/ each boy....and each problem....and everything...I juss want her to know that when ever she needs me, ill still be here for her.....bc i love her, and still consider her one of my best friend!...this person prolly knows who I am talking about, but I guess thats good, bc then I wont have to tlk to her bout it on yeah....

and T0dd: I love u and I hope we can get back together this summer, but plz babi, dont make any new scars! bc when u told me u had scars, i freaked out 4 realz! *Kissez*
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its sarah, 06-06-04 2:05pm

what whoa...what you mean i thought you wanted to be single this summer...i don't know that confused me. I don't understand at all talk to me about it later please or i'll call you later..because yeah that really did confused the fuck out of me.

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Re: its sarah, 06-06-04 7:56pm

hey......I will IM u later.........

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06-07-04 3:56pm

i didnt change for a guy lol AND YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU and i just got off the phone with you and we are going to get together ok lol bye bye love yas

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