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supergurl (profile) wrote,
on 6-8-2004 at 3:49pm
Subject: uhh, Monday night....
Hey, I went to Todd's Monday.....kind of a last minute disition...I got there, and Chris, Jessica and Todd were outside waiting for me...(how nice lol) so yeah, we all stayed outside untill it started raining, lol, Jessica like ran bc she didnt wanna mess up her hair...! she is soo funny.... so yeah, then we went back inside, Todd had to fix the door so me n Chris helped him fix it, then we folded (is that a word lol?) ways, then we all went intoTodd's rooom and literally just laid there, well, we made out a lil...(and Chris n Jessica did ALOT) *pigs*......and Todd and Chris made up their own lil thingy to gross me n Jessica out, Chris goes, Todd can I make u squeal like a pig, and todd goes no and chris goes why, i did last night and me n Jessica were juss like eeeeeeewwww!!! yeah, we laid down and i alost fell asleep until Todds dad called >:-( after awhile of joking around, Jessica had to leave and so chris played video games for a while and then we had to help with stuff, and it started raining and we all went outside and Todd and Chris were wrestling out in the ditch filled with water and decided to give me a HUGE hug after they had both fallen in....(the only time i get a hug from chris and he has to be soaked....) so then they started callin eac other names and chris said spick and redneck and i was all like "hell naw" lol..... so I chased him around and he started kikin water at me....then we went inside and I had to (once agen) wear Todd's clothes....only boxers this time....i dont mind tho, i already have like his whole closet......and me n Chris dried dishes for todd....and then we laid down on the couch and watched TV and me n Todd made out....ALOT....hehe....he bought me a necklase....(Which is around my neck right now......!) :-) but the lil bitch lied to me n told me he took it back.....oooh, me n Chris were doin dishes or sumthin and todd was spazzing and Chris oes Chillax! and I was like nooooooooooooooooooooooo thats MY word so thats all he was funny.......iightii well i gotta, n Sarah r talking....;-) about why she ISnt coming to Fl :'( lol!!!!!!!
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its sarah, 06-08-04 11:38pm

*crys* I CAN'T GO!! WAHHH!! lol...

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Re: its sarah, 06-09-04 9:17am

its ok.....we can still talk online....but ill miss u!!!lol

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Re: Re: its sarah, 06-09-04 6:25pm

yeah..i'll miss you too!! *tear..*

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Re: Re: Re: its sarah, 06-09-04 9:40pm


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