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supergurl (profile) wrote,
on 6-13-2004 at 11:09am
Current mood: tired
Subject: church!
Hey, I juss got back from church....where I was since 6:45 last, heres mah story!!! hehe, ok, we have these meetings for our Missions Trip, and we dont ever know whats gonna happen that we were told we were spending the night @ the church....sooo, we all went w/ stuff for the next morning and everything........but, after a half hr, Brett locked our stuff in, told us to get a card board box and pick a spot on the grass.......aka: we were living as hobo's, the box was our house for the night! so a few weeks ago, we had to bring in caned foods, and thats what we ate, and they were really nasty, lucky for me, steven, and the triplets and lisa, we got beans!!! (bush beans rock!) so we had to eat it out of the can, and around 8 we were done and we had untill ten for free time, so we had to be like HOBOS, so we all layed by our "houses" and talked to other people and played "soccer" and yada yada yada, at around 9 or so, Steven and Jeramy and Tom and shane came over and laid and talked with us...that was really fun.....then we had and HR amd a hlf of talking about pre-judging homeless people....and it was really interesting....then we had free time till when ever, and we were with Rebeccas group mainly, but then we left and Steven came over and hung out with us for a few hrs and we talked and hung out....he's sooo HOT!!! (like, every one thinks, dont say have bad taste) and then we stayed up till 4 and it was REALLY cold, and all the guys had their shirts off and i went and asked one of them for their shirt and i wore it, and it kept me warm...and fell asleep, and woke back up bc a cop showed up (nothing happened, juss shows up everynight to make sure everythings ok), then we fell back asleep and woke back up for goof at 5:15...and just hung all of us, like it used to be b4 magen, jessica, joey and josh formed the "fun club" and it was all good....and we went to the lani and juss hung out and tried to go back to sleep...I wanted to bring my card board to the bathroom bc it was sooo warm in there.....and I was DRENCHED in bug spray! ewwww!!! it really was nasty....and this morning, we hung out, wrote in our journals for M.T. ad went to church....when every one sang in the begining, we were all wide awake...and clapping and dancing and what not....then, the middle skewlers went to their class so it was like me, triplets, steven, matt, jj, jeramy, adam, chris , christian and jaramiah left...and we all SLEPT! Christian took up 5 seets, and the rest of us juss slept sitting up.....and we smelt, bc no one got deoderant, got to brush our teeth or change or ne yeah, that was wonderful.....and now, I am waiting to leave bc I am going to the yacht club with Lauren for the baptism thing, but i think we r juss gonna lay out and hang out with Cristian and steven (if he goes...) yeah.....gonna go...bye!
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06-13-04 3:20pm

OMG! HA HA!LOL! Thats s0 sumthin Brett would do! I wish I could have been there!!!!!!
wth is the "fun club"?!?!?!?!?!? Im missin out on wayyy 2 much!!!
Steven is hot!!!! if any of y'all think hes not then ur crazy! Even Sara, his sister, said he was hot!
I MISS U!!!!!!
<3Luv u Babe!<3

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Re:, 06-14-04 8:54am

and he HAS to be hott if his sister says so!!!! lol! the fun club is something that magen, jessica and joey n josh formed, no body is alowed in it either, everyoe else juss thinks its stupid, including chirstian, who is like really good friends with them! Kayla is movin to Georgia soon :'(

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Re: Re:, 06-14-04 7:10pm

It sounds stupid! It must be if Christian is aganst it! Him n Megan n Jess r like... inseprebral! Me n Megan think he likes Jessica. when shes around he doesnt hardly talk 2 anyone else!
I miss them and u s00000000 much! 2 weeks from tuesday!!!!!!! Is Joey still really quiet?!?!? It sounds like everyones changed s0 much sense i left

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Re: Re: Re:, 06-14-04 11:22pm

everyone HAS changed ALOT! Joey is quiet around certain ppl.....and Christian DOESNT like her, they r juss really good me n him used to be....but him n them 2 r seperable NOW lol.....

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06-13-04 3:22pm

1 more thing....

15 DAYS TILL I LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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