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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 6-13-2004 at 10:54pm
Current mood: contemplative
Today I talked a lot. Lol, more than normal. Mostly to my mom, Erika, and Becky. All of which were very helpful.

I got out how I've felt about Devon today. Who know's where it will end up though. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

And you, you're a hassel to my life, as I am to yours. So why do we even bother? Don't say you don't, because you clearly do. I clearly do. We are both over whatever it is we had a reason to be upset about in the first place. I still think you were just the asshole, I did nothing to you. But you say you don't care, so what I think shouldn't matter to you. So let's make it easier on each other, and just leave each other the hell alone. You are too much a waste of my time to worry for even two seconds about you. The only concern I have involving you is my friends, not you. Let's keep that clear.

Well I need to go talk to Shannon. Night all.
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06-13-04 11:21pm

hey hun.. i dont think i have you on my list anymore..

whats your email addresses.. im gonna re add you.

winks* i SOO know what thats about.


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Re:, 06-13-04 11:30pm

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Re:, 06-13-04 11:34pm

damnit! *smacks self*

I did actually mean to reply back to that, not just make a pointless reply. lol.

I tryed to add you too, Ben gave me your address. I guess I'm just stupid even the smallest thing complicates me, so I'll let you do it. Lol my e-mail is lol.

hehe yes, very tricky and sly we are. It's nice to know you know what I'm talking about, when I don't really have to say lol. Always very fun. lol *chuckles* Good luck with your Arby's thing tomorrow, give me a call sometime this week, and me you becky and jess should have a little get together, it will be fun, loads. lol

ttyl lov ya-Jess

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