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supergurl (profile) wrote,
on 6-15-2004 at 10:34pm
Current mood: jealous
arital Status: ****** my're the best
Hobbies & Interests:Listening to music, being around my friends and especially you ***** =) where would i be without you??

hm, a friend of mines profile....I really do wish I could go back in time and get him b4 she did :'( I really like him!!!!!!!!!!! fuck a duck!!! IDK! ahhhh, hmmm, only Sarah and Kelci know who I like, and who the ****'s stand 4.....(dont try n count em, bc none of mean his name, soooo.....sry) and juss bc i flirt, doesnt mean ne thing....! sorry kidoze!

and sorry for all the stupid surveys, Im juss SUPER bored...I was watching the movie "thirteen" but my bro came home and Im not aloud to let him watch yeah............. I am waiting for the person
to answer my ?...o, got the answer, Im happy...

ME: do u think im pretty?
Him: 1sec
Me: lol ok
Him: yea y

haha, i got a whole bunch of ppl to say it

Me: do u think i am pretty ( dont take it personally bc its juss a ?...)
Eric (Wiley): yea

Marcus: U
marcus: R
marcus: pretty

Ty: well, yes, youre pretty

Sean:you're not bad.

Matt: ya

Jon: ya you are
your beautiful ( wow, its nice to finally hear {or see} a guy say ur beautiful instead of yeah ur hott yada yada yada)
Jon: am i pretty
Me: yeah, ur beautiful too Jon

Nick: yes..
Me: *explained my prblem*
Nick:oh well ur pretty

kk, sorry I am getting full of my self!
Well, it started out bc of Logan, and thats why I asked ********then, I juss felt like askin ppl to see if it was really tru i guess..idk
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06-16-04 1:13pm

do u know asha? or did u? this is her older *sister* stefanie and i was lookin through rnadom journals and i saw this entry and all the names looked familar, like she talked about you guys yeha i was just wondering.


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Re:, 06-16-04 2:47pm

hey, yeah, me n Asha were like really good friends....IS she coming back to florida??? (where in Texas is she?)

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Re: Re:, 06-17-04 11:30pm

are you Sara Austin...the one that i saw at the movies and was like "hey are you asha's sister" and i was like yeah and you were like tell her sara said hi??? is that u? and yes she is comming down for about a week at the end of july. ill have her give you a call if you leave your # in my journal...or something...whatever...or if you dont want to do we'll figure out something.


Bye bye


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Re: Re: Re:, 06-17-04 11:31pm



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Re: Re: Re:, 06-19-04 5:12pm

yep yep....thats me.......uh, well, yeah, IM me and Ill give u my number.... sn is: x0missinu143x0 .....thanks

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06-16-04 7:59pm

i love that movie. I think i told u that already! o, well!
o, n Sara, ur GORGEOES!!!!!!
I <3 U!!!!!MUAH!!!
See ya soon!

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