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squishylover (profile) wrote,
on 6-17-2004 at 6:29am
Current mood: It's 6:30... need I say more
Music: Full Monty
Subject: She's got that shelf kinda ass the kind where you can display your chatchkies and collectibles on...

Wow 1 whole god damn year since I asked you out...since you said yes. So many things have happened to us over the year, some good some bad. It was all worth it. Being with you makes everything worth it. I love you...god there aren't words to describe how much I love you, but you know that already. You've changed my life Ryan, and you've had an affect on me that no other person has ever had. Your always there for me. Even when your makin' fun of me I still love you more then ever. I like our little games we play and the random rules we make up just so it benefits us both (More me) But yah. I have fun when I'm refreshing your memory. You are so perfect in my eyes, and I wouldn't change an thing about you. Not even your shyness, you are amazing. I just love you and now I'm going to go take a shower so I can meet you at the beach and then we can see where our day unfolds.

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WOW, 06-17-04 3:38pm

It has been one year today! Thats along time. I've said it once and i will say it again, you guys are so good for eachother. :-D Well have fun in Cali., be safe, and I love you Chasmin.


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06-17-04 7:58pm

That's awesome.

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06-22-04 4:27am



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Re:, 06-25-04 8:13am

Thanks everyone! Love peace and chicken grease.


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06-25-04 10:14am

Wow one year. I didnt know you asked Ryan out. Thats Crazy. Well congrads, I know Im alittle late with this but I have had something's happen.

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