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supergurl (profile) wrote,
on 6-19-2004 at 5:09pm
Some ppl think that just bcuz they dress punk or listen to punk music that they're punk.
To all those who think like this WORDS OF WISE: Punk isn't a type of music or a style.
Punk is a way of thinking for yourself and not becoming wat the "world" wants u to be.
Punk is not caring wat other ppl think of u bcuz u kno that your being u and not tryin to
be something your not. Punk is freedom to be, to feel, to say what u want. Punk is
forgetting everything our parents instill in our heads. Punk is refusing to sit down and shut
up! Punk is refusing to grow up, to give up, and to let go.Punk is being loud and not caring
who hears wat u got to say. Punk is your ideas that u possess in your mind.Punk isn't a social
status.Punk is having a voice. Its not about how many patches u own or how many buttons u have on
your bakpak. Punk is Unity, Punk is Equality!!

I think i already wrote this in here...but my brother doesnt get it...he thinks he is still punk....but i dont think he is....if ne smart person knows how to put this into "lil brother terms" comment...
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06-19-04 7:48pm

you little annoying creature you are not punk so shut up!! (is that good enough little bro terms?) lmao! dont ask hey sara whats up

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Re:, 06-19-04 11:58pm

oh, i thought u were tlkin to me when u said ur not punk u lil annoyin creature...LOL, scared me.....i was like, g thanx, lisa...I <3 u too....alots up :'(

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