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supergurl (profile) wrote,
on 6-20-2004 at 10:49pm
Subject: Sarah....
hey, I am tlkin to Sarah right now...and I relize how great of a friend she is to sit there and listen to me talk n talk about "benny" when her friend juss died...I think right now, she is one of the greatest people alive.......I love her sooo very much.....yall really have no idea......She always helps me out with my problems....even when they r stupid like guys.....and ugh, idk...but I cnat wait untill she gets here...I juss wannagive her the biggest hug and say thank ufor everything that shes done for me...

Sarah...thank u, ur the best! and I love uz soo very much
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its sarah, 06-20-04 11:42pm

i love you to have no idea how much you mean to me. I would go nuts if anything ever happend to you even if it was the littlest cut in the world i would freak out and ask if you were ok every 2 are so wonderful and i love you so much...heh sometimes i don't even understand how to control my love for you like when i get there i'll be like wanting to hold you all the time and everything...never letting you go...thank you for being there for me as i was you.

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Re: its sarah, 06-22-04 9:40am

U mean alot to me too.....if u havent relized...thats ALOT...I know I havent been very helpful...but u've benthe world to me,when u say "i don't even understand how to control my love for you " what kind of love? lolve like love or love friend love.....bc I have a great love love for u Sarah, and I feel its more than u like me sometimes...o well...I love u very much, and I cant wait untill u come!

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Re: Re: its sarah, 06-22-04 1:09pm

Yeah i've noticed that I mean alot to you as well. When I said that I ment an actually love love Sara. I don't like to toy around with the word when I say it like that.. lots of it is as a love love and I don't say it to anyone I don't like my love to be is special as you are to me. I don't like to show my love for people sometimes...afraid of what they would say. I don't understand it myself sometimes but its just what I think I have to do.

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Re: Re: Re: its sarah, 06-22-04 10:58pm

lol....U do mean alot to me.....I feel bad, bc I say the word love to often...but, I really mean it this time....I guess, u could say I am fickle....but, idk....i dont think I am with soem people...but not u....I've wanted to do alot of stuff w/ people...but i always stop my self and tell my self "if i do it, will I hurt her" (her being u), I hve stayed tru to u bc I lvoe u...! yes, I know what u mean when u say that u dont like to show people ur love sometimes bc of what they would say.....bc thats how I am w/ "benny" (u know who I am tlkin bout ) ....(and I am not saying i love "benny" i juss cant tell him how I feel" but ne ways.......

all u ppl who read this, yes, I love Sarah.....and for u ppl who think I am a lezbian, I am not....only bi...I dont care who knows ne more, bc almost the whole (old) 8th grade class knows about me....oh well, now all my friends and who ever can......

alright, btw I CANT spell love for crap!

<<3 yas!

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