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Viper15 (profile) wrote,
on 6-22-2004 at 12:19pm
lol i read my last post and it seems not alot of you have my number, its 874-6388

and i know i should probably put this as friends only but maybe some creepy people will start stalking me if i dont, and that would be fun...
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06-22-04 3:29pm

You must be really bored :)

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06-22-04 4:52pm

Sweet, I'll have to call you up sometime...

hmm, stalking eh? I have been looking for places to go around midnight...

...perhaps some night I'll make a stop at your house...


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Re:, 06-24-04 2:05am

Lol he's a long walk from your place Brett... He lives 7 miles out of Rockford... on the opposite side of town you live on. lol

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Re: Re:, 06-24-04 11:42am

Erm, Ray, I DO have a car I CAN drive, and I have mastered the art of sneaking out...

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