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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 6-29-2004 at 5:56pm
Current mood: happy and not
Subject: doesn't your heart deserve Shaklee CoQHeart??
Yea so, drivers ed. started yesterday. Can you say boring?! But it's over tomorrow, so I guess it's all good. Besides, there are a lot of people I know in the class. Sucks that we had to split though... I miss Re!!!!! *crys* But what can ya' do??

Tomorrow after drivers ed. Ariana's mom is gonna' come pick me up and we're gonna' go to their boat. We're staying until Friday and I get to babysit Taryn while they go to some concerts. I hope I don't do anything wrong. I've never babysat a kid that young alone on a boat in a marina that I've never been to before. Kinda' scary. But I'll do my best.

So today, I'm driving through the parking lot of the Alpine Meijer and I look both ways before I go into the major "road" in the parking lot and then I look again, no ones there. So I go and outta' no where this white car comes around the curve and I almost hit it! It was totally my fault and I felt really bad about it... but then Steph starts freaking out and yelling and saying stupid things like she always does and had been all day and she made me feel even worse. The girl needed to be slapped and luckily my mom thought so too and yelled at her. I was sooo mad at Steph. I coulda' killed her. I swear. She's all like "I've never done that, I'll never make a mistake like that!" Even though when she first started driving she pulled out in front of someone. Only difference was that that person wasn't going 10mph in a parking lot... they were going 60mph on Pine Island!! So she had no right to say anything. Ugh. It just made me so angry. I don't even know.

Well now that I'm done venting I think I'll go outside and read. It's too nice a day to waste in here. Adios all. love ya' mucho!

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06-29-04 9:19pm

don't feel bad...i almost clipped a car when i made a righ turn onto my road. they were going the other way and i turned to wide. ach i hate driving. don't let steph get to ya...she's just a sibling. mig is the same way...he refuses to ride w/ me. if he only knew i hit my oops wasn't spose'd to tell ya that.... : (

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Re:, 07-03-04 8:42pm

u hit your garage!!?? lol wow. that's new. btw... you still haven't told me who the person is. the one you write about... just thought you should be reminded.

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06-29-04 9:38pm

Oh my god!!! You're so boring! Just reading you journal makes me want to die. ugh!

Just kidding Jacqui.

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Re:, 07-03-04 8:41pm

love you too Bill.

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06-29-04 9:43pm

i miss u too!!! we gotta do something sometime!


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