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WhitePony (profile) wrote,
on 6-30-2004 at 2:35pm
If you didnt catch it, the entry below is a metaphor for how I feel about this journal business. Thats why I never update.
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answers from the great beyond, 07-01-04 12:30pm

joe, you are the man. who do i want to be an uncle to my kids? who do i want to hang out with on weekends? who do i want to go on trips with? you are my brother. it goes beyond "blood" - we share soul. i couldn't have a better best friend. so i want you to know that you can share your thoughts and feelings with me or your journal anytime. don't worry about what other fools think about anything. write if you want to. you have it in you.

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07-02-04 12:25am

well it doesn't have to be that way. you just have to be smart and separate oyourself from that whidch you hate. a journal. it's under your control 100 perve - percent.

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