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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 7-2-2004 at 11:49pm
Current mood: happy
Music: Eagles-Can't remember the title heh
Subject: fun fun
I went to the Sand Lake Carnival tonight with Dan. Saw Jenna, Erika, Brandi, Steph, Stacey, I had so much fun. I'm so happy that I went. Got pulled over by the cops, not for anything though. Yeah, it was a great night. :)

Then I got home and my mom yelled at my about my journal because I guess some of my brother's friends, or friend didn't like something I had to say. Too bad huh? First of all. This is *my* journal. It's public because MY FRIENDS read it. Yes, MY friends. Not other people. You have no reason to read it, that kinda ...what's the word...stupid? Yes, that's it. I'm sorry if you don't like what I have to say. But I'm not going to hesitate to say anything I want too. And if you don't like it, too bad for you. This is *my* journal. Just to make that clear. Nothing is going to change. I don't care what offends who. This is me, my thoughts, my place to vent, my place to complain and bitch. Get over it. Espically about MY family.

Yes, so I had a perfecttttttttt night! I should have made it better, but I'm still happy :) yay!
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07-03-04 12:02am

tonight... was... grand. lol.

i had so much fun! awww.. i love you jess!

and about the whole YOUR journal thing.. why cant some people just get that? i think that maybee.. just maybee.... to others.. your journal is like this blinking horrid color orangish flashy thing that just screams.. READ ME! READ ME!

that has to be it... otherwise why would SOME *ahem* people read it religiously and then dwell on the things you say.

GAHHHH.. people just piss me off.

*gets worked up.

but besides for stupid people, and their stupidness... life is ok right now.. not great, but getting there.


hmmm.. i use the whole *_____ (insert action here)* wayyyy to much.



ttyl dear...
erika dawn

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Re:, 07-03-04 1:15pm

Heh tonight was fun in dead.

I love you and Brani! You're both fun. heh

That one girl dancing to the music. Blah. Laughter of the night. *giggles* I'm so awful.


I love you hun! I want you to be happy! Just know what an awsome person you are! Everyone loves you tonz! and I'm always here. I can't wait till next year. woo go us yearbook ppl. heh

Call me later~ :)

lov JEss

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07-03-04 4:03pm

I didn't say anything about not liking what you said. In fact, I thought it was kind of funny.

Nick saw it though and was offended.

Sorry. I hope you didn't get in too much trouble.

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Re:, 07-04-04 12:04am

Don't worry about it. He's your friend so in a sense I understand where you were coming from.

I just don't want my family reading my journal. This is public, I know...but still it feels like I'm being violated. I know it's dumb, but still.

Yeah, sorry.

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Re: Re:, 07-04-04 12:08am

Yes, I understand.

I'm sorry. I don't think they actually read your journal if that makes you feel any better.

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Re: Re: Re:, 07-04-04 12:14am

No don't worry about it. Not your fault.

Sleep tight

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