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lisa3019 (profile) wrote,
on 7-8-2004 at 4:55pm
Current mood: bouncy
Music: J-Kwon - Underwear
...I'm in my undawhurr...
actually, i'm in my bathing suit, but it doesn't really follow the lyrics...

This morning (starting at 12:35pm, when i woke up) I layed out a little bit...
I ate some of my mom's leftover 4th-of-July potato salad, and had a bowl of cereal.

Cody came over like 25 minutes ago, so I'm going to go play with him..

I'll write tomorrow, or later if anything exciting happens (which nothing probably will).
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07-08-04 7:12pm

thanks for reading my journal..i added you to my friends list..and on AIM too

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