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WhitePony (profile) wrote,
on 7-22-2004 at 2:28pm
The Ashlee Simpson show was on last night, and I was half listening to it while I was on the computer. She was whining about being nervous for her first show. The VERY FIRST TIME she was on stage. I looked over my shoulder and saw that she was on a substantial size stage, with quite a large audience. I think thats bullshit. She didn't earn a damn thing. She's famous because her sister is Jessica. Granted I don't know the half of what its like to be a musician, but I've experienced enough and I've read enough to know that it takes musicians years of hard work and gigs at crappy old bars and exactly what Brendan Fraser said in Airheads "Playing your hearts out for 15 minutes and the only people there are the other bands and their girlfriends" I know exactly what thats like. She doesn't deserve the success and fame that has been granted to her. I mean, I could understand if her and her band were spectacular or something. Yeah, they're competant musicians, but it was nothing special that caught my ear, they sound like many other bands out there. It just pisses me off how unfair things are sometimes. She hasn't worked long and hard enough to be the status that she's at now. Spoiled brat.
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07-22-04 8:00pm

*kicks ashlee girl*
does she even write her own songs?

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07-24-04 3:19pm

i'm sure for a musician such as yourself it must be pure terror. ten paciencia mi amigo. you'll both get what you deserve.

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07-24-04 3:51pm

Speaking of which, we were videotaped by a friend last night, so if I get a hold of a copy, my Michigan chums will be able to see me in action.

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Re:, 07-24-04 10:35pm

that's what i'm talkin' about, mcbitch boy.

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