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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 7-26-2004 at 4:43pm
Subject: About my last previous entry.
Okay so here's the thing. I totally understand where those of you who are for gay/lesbian rights are coming from. I too know homosexual people and know that they can be very nice people. If it sounded like I was judging all homosexual's then I'm sorry. That was not at all my intent in writing that entry. I was merely trying to express my opinion. I do have to say though, that I am still very much against gay rights. I don't believe that it is right. The way I see it, God has a planned time for when this world will end and the resurection will happen but I do not believe that absolutely everything happens for a reason. If you want a reason just think about 9/11. Do you honestly think that all the people who died did so for a reason. All of the thousands of people?! I think not. For some, even most, I don't believe it was there time to go. For some it may well have been but not for all, no way. So you see I disagree w/ the fact that homosexuality happened for a reason. It just happened. Maybe because someone grew up w/o any love from their parent who was of the same sex and thought they could make up for it by being w/ someone of their same sex. I don't quite understand that part myself. But I know that nature didn't intend for it to be that way and therefore, in my opinion, it shouldn't. That's all I have to say on the matter. I hope that makes you all understand more where I was coming from.

Oh sorry, one more thing. I'm sorry if not all of you read the Bible and I offended you by saying that you should. However I do not appreciate that one person said that some people may not want to live there life by a book. Because to me it's not just a book. It is God's word. The word of the highest power in the universe, and I intend to live by it.



The two people remained nameless, I respect your opinions, but it would be easier to respect them if I knew who the person who had that opinion was. So if you'd like to let me know who you are that'd be great. Thank-you.
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07-26-04 6:07pm

it wasn't me that offended you was it? i don't think i said anything about it being just a book because i believe what you said too but just incase i did sorry...i still love ya tons!

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07-26-04 6:08pm

oh and by the way i totally understand about waking up to go to a job that you aye? i think i would feel bad if i quit though you know? love ya

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07-26-04 8:19pm

i love you ... and that's why i can disagree. don't be offended though!! but see i think everything happens for a reason because God is in control. Yes, people do bad things but God can work those bad things and make something great out of it. Every cloud has a silver lining. It was terrible that all of those people died but God has a plan. And that plan is flawless. God is God and a mere human cannot do something he is not aware of. But we have free will. that's where it gets confusing. okay this entry just went in a weird circle.

but i love ya jacqui and i mean you no offense!!!!!!!!! that sucks about the job *snickers* i don't have one. :) sorry. lol can't wait for's gonna rock!!!!!!
luv ya tons
u rock & i respect your opinion

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07-26-04 11:48pm

Great okay cool about that.. and i understand where ur coming from, and you that you totally didnt mean to offend anyone, but i wasnt offended by any of that that you mentioned this time, i was offended because i think people should get to be happy and that everythign does happen for a reason, 9.11 is a bad example because i think it happened to teach us some things, alot of people learned many things and it all will lead up to something in the end, everything happens for a reason.. yeah many people died that day that didnt deserve to die, but god wouldnt have taken them, unless that was supposed to happen. See so part of ur opinon makes no since because you say you believe god has a set time for things, but yet dont think that 9.11 happend for a reason. I respect your opinion, but its just hard to understand w/ that part i guess. Any if god didnt want anyone to be gay then it never would have happened.. regardless of what the bible says.. yes i believe it, but still this is gods world and its going just how he planned.. i believe.

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Re:, 07-27-04 10:41pm

ok i'm gonna have to disagree with what u said about how if God didn't want anyone to be gay then if would never have happened and that the world is going how he planned it to go. you see, he planned it to be a world where he could come down and spend as much time with us as he wants to and walk with us and talk with us and all that sort of thing but thats not how it happened. we sinned and in turn thats not how it happened. he also didn't plan on anyone being gay but sin has a way of perverting things and people. and if u believe the Bible and what it says u can't say "regardless of what the bible says" without being hypocrite. but i guess its your opinion and u can believe whatever u want to but i just wanted to let u know mine.


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