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infinite (profile) wrote,
on 7-28-2004 at 1:31pm
whatever happened to GOOD music?
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07-28-04 7:21pm

whatever happened to grumpy old bastards?

oh, yeah, i'm dating one.

i love you.

and dashboard.

that's right.

i said it.

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Re:, 07-29-04 3:14pm

fair enough... but george thorogood is still a better guitar player.

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08-10-04 11:49pm

seriously baby, what kind of journal is this? where are the long heartfelt posts about how much you love your baby? and the random cute antidotes? you butthead!

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08-14-04 10:01am

the stupid fuckers who think they're 'ghetto' and have songs filled with 'yo yo yo' took it over

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01-11-09 8:08am

Good music totally went down the shitter. It seems like all the good in life is fading away. I absolutely hate that new song by Lady GaGa "Just Dance"

It makes me want to pull her teeth out...

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