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orfwashere (profile) wrote,
on 1-23-2000 at 3:27pm
Current mood: chill
Music: sublime
Subject: its time for an update....
so yea. i havent posted since i started at river. damn, look what that school does to me. i was in a shitty and lonely mood before, but im feeling decent right now. chill fits it best. thank god for sublime....

so neways, heres my schedule
1) ap biology
2) jazz band 2
3) trig/analy. geometry
4) eng 3 honors
5) band 3
6) spanish 3
7) ap american hist.

that schedule isnt too bad, but it really sucks that we have seven classes a day, an hour each. so its like when i finally get started, its time to go to my next class. most of my classes are in this one huge building, which really sucks. i was usto having to go outside and get some fresh air to change classes. im not liking these indoor hallways

and im gonna get out of english honors and go back to ap. it is a really lame class. they're doing everything i did in pib english2, so its really worthless.

these last 4 days kinda sucked tho. i don't really know anyone that well there, i mostly just rememebr seeing faces from middle school. im trying to make friends, but most of the kids there make me sick to my stomach. in math today, they were all talking about their mercedes and how their dad's s class has this, but their mom's c class has that. fuck you, rich bastards. well my mom's hundai has a tape player. take that. hahaaha

there are some pluses to being at river tho. rite now in ap bio, we are on chapter 18. at the end of the semester at atl, we were on chapter 25. so im now being tested on sections i allready was tested on. good thing i forgot it all over break.....or i never really learned it. one of the two. and in am history, the whole class isn't just lecture, like hall's was. my teacher is a cool young guy, and all he does is crack jokes and give really shitty lecture. theres more reading tho, but its worth it. and he also has homework, classwork, and notebook grades.....somethign mr hall has never heard of. score.

but in band, its all crazy. its kinda like an even trade with band. stoneman knew nothing and was a horrible teacher. at river, friedman knows his shit, but hes a huge jerk. he was nice to me, cuz im new, but he turns into a huge asshole during class. so its kinda like band sucks either way, whichever teacher i have. their jazz band sucks tho. well, actualy, they're really good, music wise, but they dont compare to how much fun i had in atl's jazz band. they dont have any guitars, and their band is all serious about going to festival and shit. for us back at atl, it was all cool like "yea we suck. lets just get this one song to sound good, the rest can sound like shit, and we'll chill for most of the period." i miss that. all the interesting fun people. they're all band dorks in the river jazz band, and their drummer doesnt compare to paul or jake. blah.....i also cant go to concert or jazz festival with their band, cuz im here too late in the year....unless someone gets sick and dies, and i can take their sopt. im hoping. but its actually better for me. i don't hafto go to any of their after school rehrsals. score number 2

ive written enough now, but one last thing. at river, they have vending machines that work, and take dollars. theres like 10 million of them. soda, water, chocolate milk, and snack vending machines. its soo cool. i can go get my self a bag of m&m's on my way to class. bah. im done now


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01-23-03 3:48pm

wow, i'm soo redundant. i suck at writing in this thing

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01-23-03 5:34pm

i still miss you like crazy :0(

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Re:, 01-23-03 7:55pm

Here, here. Trig just isn't the same without you. I can only imagine how band can be.

At least you don't have to put up with Hall. Oh, and by the way, do you know a sax player named Evan Sherman over there? Just curious.

If we all sign a petition, do you think maybe the School board will take pity on you and allow you to come back next year at least?

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01-23-03 8:10pm

i miss ajness! come back to me!

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01-23-03 8:17pm

ATL - AJ = Teh Suq

You'll get used to River, they aren't all evil bastards. Tell Caroline I said Hi! :p

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myra <3s AJ, 01-28-03 7:54pm

my friend sheila klein is in jazz band.. she says she knows you...? she's super chill... uhh yea... well, IM me sometime, love. river isn't too bad.... the rich kids are really annoying though, i know... roar.

<3 myra

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