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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote, on 8-11-2004 at 9:55pm | |
ok, as amanda said, Jay did come around.. and since im talkin to her right now im gonna go... | |
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XuNsPoKeNxFeArSzX | hey, 08-14-04 10:35pm hey.. im always rite bout that stuff.. ha ha.. lol.. any way.. im glad that he came around.. everyone does.. well mostly every one.. any way.. sry but today.. i just like totally ditched u.. im sry.. i was over my mommoms house.. she was sick.. then i went to the movies with my cousin.. that was the worst thing to do.. i should have just waited.. but any way.. i didnt get to go to the mall so maybe we can make plans to go sum other time.. well i will talk to you later.. and my new journal is .. its hott.. lol.. well ttyl
Anonymous | 08-15-04 10:52pm Do you have a thing for Jay or something? He does have a girlfriend if you didn't already know. |
xvivaxlabamxfanx | Re:, 08-17-04 2:57am whats it to you if i do? and i know he's got a girlfriend.. hes mentioned it, but that dosent change the fact that i care about him, like i do all my friends |
XuNsPoKeNxFeArSzX | hey, 08-16-04 12:07am HeY.. welL it SuckS biG tiMe thaT uR mOm pUt a tiMe limitE On.. i wOuld Die If mY mOm diD tHat tO mE.. anY wAy.. sRy bOut thE whOle jAy tHiNg.. bUt likE i aLwAyS sAy.. yOu cAn dO bEtTeR.. EvEn thOugh I dOnt kNo thE kId.. lOl.. wEll gOtS tO gO.. fOr nOw.. PeAcE fOr nOw..