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pointlessforever (profile) wrote,
on 10-2-2004 at 2:30pm
Yeah, so my last thing.

I had this bad feeling last night that something was up. While I was babysitting.

It wasn't just my normal bad feeling, it was the bad feeling that sort of paralyzes you.

So Nick calls me now. It's 2.

He says he just woke up.

His legs and hip have been hurting bad for a while now. They hurt a lot last night during work so he called his parents and they took him to the hospital.

He was in the ER last night from about 7:30 to 2 this morning.

So I'm talking to him on the phone and he wonders why I suddenly stop talking.

I don't know. I'm just scared and worried.

Really scared.

Something's not right.
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10-02-04 3:12pm

Oh my! Is he alright?!

Call me if you want to someone to talk to.

I'll always try to be there for you guys.

Love ya.

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Re:, 10-02-04 3:24pm

He's fine.

It's just the same as always. He can't put any weight on it and for a day or so he might not but you know he's going to walk on it anyway. It's just his same fibrous bone dysplasia thing again.

It just scares me sometimes.


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