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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-12-2004 at 4:17pm
Current mood: okay
Subject: Happy Movie Star Day!!
Today was alright. I can't believe how many people don't know who Audrey Hepburn is. Although Mr. Smith asked me how I knew who she was after all, she is older than him. lol. I love Coach. He rocks. But yea, it's crazy. I told everone that she was the actress in My Fair Lady and they didn't even know what that was half the time. Craziness I tell you.

Yep, I'm bored out of my mind. Bah, I hate afternoons. There's nothing to do.

Jenny and I are staying after tomorrow to try and work on some Chemistry. That stuff is pretty hard. It's not too terrible... but we decided we should still study it a little, and anyway, tomorrow we'll know what's gonna' be on the test so we'll know exactly what to study. Especially since most of the time the actual class period is spent talking about the soap operaish lives that Jenny and Katie lead! I swear, some of their stories could be pulled right out of the script from 'days of our lives'. It's insane. Oy vay.

Well I do believe that's it... oh wait! Who all's togaing tomorrow?? I AM!!! Yay!

Okay, I'll see ya' later loves. Adios.


You people who are dining w/ us before homecoming still need to let either Lauren or myself know that you're coming, that way we know how many cars we need. Okay? Okay. Buh bye now.
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10-12-04 10:02pm

as of right now, i'm coming!!!! uh... what time do we meet again? sorry i forgot... lol.


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