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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-8-2004 at 8:00pm
Current mood: blah
Music: Michael Buble
Subject: Crazy little thing called love...
I am so in love with Michael Buble! For real, you have no idea. He's amazingly gorgeous, sings almost exactly like Frank Sanatra and is really funny. He's perfect. You have to know all this is true because celebrity crushes are so not my thing, but this man is to die for. Ahh... I'm in love. lol.

Okay this CD would be like, the perfect romantic dinner type thing. lol. Really, it would. A bunch of jazz music, most of which is all lovey dovey, sung by a guy with a voice straight from heaven. I mean come on, what's bad?? My gosh, it's just insane.

Well now that I'm done babbling about the hottest man alive. *wink*

Okay, I used to totally hate Christmas music. I mean, despise it. But Steph was playing today and I really enjoyed listening. So I took out this old tape of my dads and listened to it. It was nice, kinda' reminded me of visiting my grandma. (We always used to go just before Christmas and that's all that was on the radio.) It was a nice feeling. Let's just hope this phase passes quickly... after all, I don't celebrate it. lol.

That's all for now folks. Chao!

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11-08-04 8:53pm

i <3 christmas music... and swing music. lol. speaking of... do you remember that dance we used to do? i'm trying to remember how we did it. lol.


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Re:, 11-09-04 4:41pm

omg! i totally forgot about that dance!!! way crazy! you do, like, 4 of everything right? yea, i love that dance. next time i see you we have to do the dance!! lol. obsessive... but it's fun!

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