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WhitePony (profile) wrote,
on 11-9-2004 at 8:38am
Music: the music of Mr. Holland's Opus
Danielle to Laurence: What is something you’ve learned about Joe since he’s been here?
Laurence: Uh….um…when we were watching the Ellen DVD I noticed he blinks a lot.
Joe: WHAT!? I blink a lot!?
Laurence: Yeah, I dunno, I guess. I just noticed you blinked a lot.
Joe: Why the hell were you paying attention to my blinking rather than watching the DVD? I feel violated!
Laurence: Hahaha

Of course this is not verbatim, and it was 4 months ago, so I don’t remember exactly, but its close enough.

So a few weeks ago I remembered this conversation and I put it to the test. I was watching Law & Order at a friend’s house and I was competing with the actors on the show, and I’d blink like twice before they blinked once. But I wasn’t convinced, it could’ve been some trickery of television. So I tested myself against the three other people in the room. I was sitting in a position where I could creepily watch them and not be noticed. And again, my eyes would dry out quicker than them. So I’ve concluded that these Caribbean Blues need to be reunited with the sea a bit more often than regular folk.
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11-09-04 1:25pm

i am so going to stare & count your blinking next time i see you

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lmao, 11-09-04 2:33pm

I just woke up so I'm feeling a bit blah, I see that nearly fall out of my chair laughing.

Laurence is way too observant for his own good.

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11-09-04 2:49pm


i wonder how many times you blinked while you were rolling those eyes at me last night...


Yeah, by the way, I was so annoyed that that was all Laurence said in response to that question. He had a friggin week with you and that's all he learned!? A blink count? That's all I get?

...what did I learn?

You can handle head-on stares, but not sideways ones.

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You can handle head-on stares, but not sideways ones, 11-09-04 3:03pm

HAHAHA!! i was having an anxiety attack with the sideways stares

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Re:, 11-09-04 8:54pm

oh, "pfff" yourself! i'm sorry that joe and i have been friends for 2 years and i didn't "learn" anything new about him that we hadn't already discussed at length in late night bastardly broTM nights in the past. if you wanted some deep, serious answer about what i've learned about joe, i could have told you without having to share a dainty meal with him at denny's. so, take your jmas crap and use it for something practical - braid some eyelashes for yourself*.

*this is supposed to be funny, not mean.

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Re: Re:, 11-09-04 10:06pm

*kicks feet up and sips diet snapple*

don't even TRY throwing jmas in MY face

if i were with Fiorenza for 5 days straight i certainly would have learned something about his physical presence that this computer relationship was hiding.


maybe it takes a jmas

[tee hee ha ha, why don't you just call me Pocahontas...i'm sitting here braiding what's left of my eyelashes]

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Re: Re: Re:, 11-09-04 10:08pm

PS-"Dainty"? Denny's?

Maybe it's the ribbons Diane wears on her boobs.

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YAY for blinking!, 11-09-04 8:40pm

alright, a few comments:

1) when i first started reading that dialogue, i thought it was something you made up! i had totally forgotten about that conversation. it seems that my memory is failing in my old age.

2) it's not like i was staring at you non-stop instead of watching the ellen thing, the blinking was just that noticeable. nothing to be embarrassed about. shit, i always clear my throat every 5 seconds! so yeah, it was just that whenever i'd look over to see your reaction, i'd notice 1,000 blinks within that 2-second span.

3) the fact that you conducted experiments to come to a sound conclusion about the blinking syndrome is so great! it is something i would do, too! this is one of those instances where we say, "oh man, we're so great," and laugh heartily as we high-five and/or slap backs.

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correction, 11-09-04 8:52pm

i always clear my throat every 5 seconds!

Make that every two seconds.
I think I've heard you clear your throat more than I've heard you speak.

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Re: correction, 11-09-04 8:55pm

i guess that's pretty sad considering the number of times we've talked on the phone....

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Re: Re: correction, 11-09-04 11:34pm

Don't tell AC.

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Re: correction, 11-10-04 12:09am

i found that seriously funny

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Re: Re: correction, 11-10-04 12:34am

It's the truth!

I don't think anyone can disagree with me on this point.
Am I right, or am I right?

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Re: Re: Re: correction, 11-10-04 1:06am


this sure is doing a lot for my fragile self-esteem.

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Re: YAY for blinking!, 11-10-04 1:33am

geez, don't make me sound like I'm a compulsive blinker. You'll scare off the foreigners

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says the foreignOr, 11-10-04 7:05am

weeee3333333! that's so nasty that you blink all the time! ew! i don't think we should talk ever again! pervert!

on a lighter note, i agree with the ladies. how is it that you notice this guy blinks too much? silly vanden boom...

if laurence ever sat down with me: "her heart beats 1.32 times faster than a normal human heart."

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Re: Re: Re: Re: correction, 11-10-04 9:45am

After all the stuff I do for you, after all the nice things I say, THIS is what kills your self-esteem!?

"Waaa! my girlfriend thinks I'm too observant!"

I should smack you, boy.

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Re: says the foreignOr, 11-10-04 9:46am

if anyone ever sat down with you:
"She eats 1288328.5 times more than a human."

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smack me all you want, 11-10-04 10:53am

haha, no no. being observant is going to put money in my pocket one day. what i was referring to was everyone making fun of my throat-clearing. so really, it's more along the lines of:

"waaa! my girlfriend thinks i clear my throat too much!"

but, it's all in silliness anyway.

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JOE, 11-10-04 10:55am

you blink compulsively, danielle picks compulsively, toto eats compulsively, i "ahem" compulsively... we're all friends here. i'm sure the tot won't let a little eye blinking get in the way of hoo-hah.

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to: the tater tot and other finger-pointing-and-laughing ladies, 11-10-04 11:16am

so, what is with all you women making fun of me? being that this is a rhetorical question, allow me to give the answer:

you all desperately want to screw my brains out, but can't because i'm taken, so therefore you must rid yourselves of this dangerous desire by using a defense mechanism called reaction formation - behaving in a manner that is opposite your true thoughts and feelings. i'm sorry girls, you'll have to come to terms with the reality of life. you just can't have laurence vanden boom.

also, be sure to note that the above explanation is a defense mechanism known as "rationalization." yes, i'm trying to reason with myself as to why these fabulous ladies would possibly tease me so.

next someone will start to blame allah or he-man or the color red or ice cream or nitrogen for this long post. that would be projection. "it's not my fault! it's YOUR fault!"

at this point, joe starts crying - kicking & screaming - because he's blinked too many times to really read/understand this and that makes him frustrated. and this would be a defense mechanism known as regression... regressing back to childhood temper tantrums as a way to deal with stress.

all of this reading has caused toto & danielle to remember the days of having to read jane eyre, which deeply disturbs them. they start to block out all such memories, and being telling themselves that the events never even happened, and that jane eyre is merely a figment of their imaginations. repression.

everyone is now fed up with psychological analysis and takes their anger out on the next person they see - displacement.

*relieved sigh* i have just converted pent-up feelings of self-loathing, frustration, sadness, passion, sexual tension, and annoyance at my inability to write into a non-harmful, socially-accepted behavior. that's sublimation for you.

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Re: to: the tater tot and other finger-pointing-and-laughing ladies, 11-10-04 11:17am


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Re: to: the tater tot and other finger-pointing-and-laughing ladies, 11-10-04 11:22am

Could you paraphrase that for me? I kept losing my place from constant blinking

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Re: Re: to: the tater tot and other finger-pointing-and-laughing ladies, 11-10-04 12:33pm


and laurence we tease because it's oh-so-easy. it's how we show our love!

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Re: Re: Re: to: the tater tot and other finger-pointing-and-laughing ladies, 11-10-04 1:13pm


all you ever need know is:

i will never take your kindness as a sign of weakness

and the people who do...


...will soon be separated from their reproductive organs.

*revs edger*

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Re: to: the tater tot and other finger-pointing-and-laughing ladies, 11-10-04 3:41pm

what the hoo-hah... EVIL! PSYCHOLOGY!

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