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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-9-2004 at 4:41pm
Current mood: freakin' out.
Subject: I'm scared out of my mind.
Okay, after school today I gave Ariana a hug goodbye and she kept saying "Don't die!" and that just made me think about the fact that I could die (though it's very unlikely). So now I'm freaking out because of this whole thing and... agh! I don't know. I'm majorly hyper though. I can't sit still... at all. lalala, okay I need to chill. Someone come hang out with me. That would rock, if someone just randomly showed up at my house. That would SO rock.

Blahg. I'm bored. For real... there's nothing to do here at all. Meh, I wish I lived around more people. It'd be way more fun.

Well, s'pose I should go now. Maybe I'll get started on some homework... doubt it... but maybe. Love ya' mucho all. Chao.

-Jacqui Jean-
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11-09-04 7:16pm

u'll be fine jekyll. *hugs jek*

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11-09-04 9:28pm

i love you i love you i love you i love you!!!!


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Re:, 11-11-04 11:28am

i love you too rere.

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