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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-20-2004 at 12:42pm
Current mood: bouncy
Subject: I'm going shopping! woohu!
I get to go to rivertown w/ kim, lauren, steph and my mom in about 15 minutes. Greatly cool man. Oh, and guess what?! I'm gonna' try to get my picture taken w/ santa and santa's helper. Ya' know why? Because santa's helper is Larissa! How insanely cool is that??!! Boo yah! lol. I find that rockin' cool.

I had fun yesterday. I went to Ariana's after school and we hung out and got dinner then we went to Meijer. We bought what we needed there and Taryn rode the little horse thing about 20 times, which added in getting rid of all the penny's in my wallet, and then we just wasted time while waiting for Ariana's mom. After that little adventure we went to blockbuster to rent movies. We got Bridget Jone's Diary and Grease (Lori's never seen Grease before). Bridget Jone's Diary is a funny movie. But they swear a lot... other than that though it rocked. So when the movie was over we got ready for bed and Ariana and I stayed up listening to NOW that's what I call Christmas and playing Disney Monopoly. She kicked my butt. But it's a really fun game. If we owned that I would play Monopoly SO much more!! It's greatly fun.

Yea, that was my Friday. Today we got up early and went to breakfast with Shelly, Heather, Shelly's mom, Heather's mom and my mom. It was fun, and yummy. I love Big Boy's breakfasts! Mmm... mmm... good. lol. So that's my fun filled weekend so far. I'm happy with it.

Better go now, Kim and Lauren will be here in like 2 minutes. Love to all ya'll. Have a rockin' weekend.

(bet ya'll forgot about that nickname didn't ya? lol)
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11-20-04 10:49pm

omg! i totally remember! the other day i was going thru all my old stuff from like 7th grade and i found that story i had to write for english about the sloth (you) and all the zoo animals hating you and everything... it was great. lol.


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Re:, 11-22-04 4:24pm

oh my goodness!!! that's awesome! i so remember that! it was so cool! what animals were you and justine? kayla was kitty, i know that. 7th grade rocked! lol.

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