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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 1-30-2003 at 5:50pm
Subject: "G-d I hate you"
Well hello, Chris (Steven Chris) ehh that was Chris's quote up there and Jeff knows why :0P

So yeah. We're ummm building guns and fixing lights and hehe I think hes telling me to get off now cuz the house is on fire or something like that :0P

hehe we've decided that I've got too much hair and Ashley and I don't think that blue balls exist right ash? :0P

okay. on with the fun bye bye :0)
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01-30-03 7:01pm

whoa, hey. blue balls is alive and kickin.....

not fun

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01-30-03 8:08pm

is this *my* husband you are referring to? ;p

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Amazing afthernoon =D, 01-30-03 8:09pm

Wow, whatta amazing Afternoon. I miss vivi already =(
-chris(, steven)

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Re: Amazing afthernoon =D, 01-30-03 8:58pm

:0) sorry about that... next week :0)

I miss you too :0(:0(

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