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WhitePony (profile) wrote,
on 1-6-2005 at 3:46pm
Music: Underoath - The Impact of Reason
I was at work today, doing my own thing, making copies or something equally exciting while listening to Katie's and Tiffany's conversation. Tiffany's four year old son goes to preschool at a private school and Katie was asking questions about it; how much it cost and whatnot. Then she proceeded with questions/comments that weren't very clear, about if you pay for the schooling there are most likely to be kids who's parents really care about them or something. The way she was wording it was odd, like she was beating around the bush about something. Then she finally said "what I'm trying to get at is, there aren't like toothless dirty mexican kids there right?"

I wish I weren't so soft spoken and polite. I wish I didn't hold my tongue in certain situations. That kind of shit pisses me off SOO much. I wish I could've said something to her. She's not blatantly racist or anything. She doesn't use the slang words in reference to anyone, but still. I HATE hearing stuff like that. She could've made her point just as clearly by saying "toothless dirty kids" why she had to throw in "mexican" is beyond me. Every race has poverty problems, not just minorities. You want to know how to get me heated or piss me off? There's your answer.

Let me know when we evolve
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01-06-05 8:17pm


Sorry that had to happen. I remember that was one of two things that made you crazy angry.

Thanks for giving us an entry about YOU, by the way.

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Re:, 01-06-05 9:46pm

Yah I was gonna say the same thing, thanks for the "from the heart" entry and not some babble =)

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Re: Re:, 01-06-05 11:33pm

HAHAH Joe is coming here so I get to play with him!

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Re: Re: Re:, 01-07-05 9:51am

Now there's a phrase you don't hear every day.

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Re: Re: Re:, 01-07-05 10:03am

Don't forget to hold hands a take a picture, for posterity.

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 01-07-05 12:35pm

You don't know us very well, there will be much more than hand holding going on

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 01-07-05 5:38pm

and video, not just pictures!

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 01-08-05 4:00am

Pumpy .....

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