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ears (profile) wrote,
on 1-15-2005 at 3:39pm
Yay. My life kick ass. Not.

Got into another accident today. Totaled my car. My cousin was with me. We both wished we had died in the accident. Life's a bitch. Fuck you.
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01-15-05 5:22pm

Oh my gosh! How did that happen?! Are you ok? Is your cousin ok too?

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01-15-05 6:01pm

oh my gosh, you guys are okay, right? wow, getting in accidents suck majorly. sorry bout your car! hope ya'll are alright. later kiddo~

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01-15-05 6:41pm

that sucks. life is a bitch. at least ya'll are alive, if not for your sake than at least for everyone elses.
if i can help you at all with anything just ask.

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01-15-05 7:36pm

Damn! That sucks. Even if you're not, I'm glad you're alive. I hope you're ok. I love you.

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01-16-05 7:49pm

I'm sorry you were in an accident. that sucks. are you ok? I'm glad you didn't die because I wouldn't have anyone to give hugs to anymore and I would miss you your a good friend. I like hanging out with you and life isn't so bad. you have your video games were you can be a kick a*s vampire chick and drink nazi soldgers blood(blood Rayne I love that game!). Theres DDr and many people who care about you. I know first hand that life is a bitch but you cant take the easy way out buy geting killed you got to keep on hopeing and fighting because things will get better eventually.^_^ chear up. I know I'm trying to.

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