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| wiredshut (profile) wrote, on 5-16-2005 at 11:52am |
The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay. | Created by -ambiguous and taken 52976 times on bzoink! | What comes to mind when you hear.. | ..snow? | slush | ..rain? | wet | ..tornado? | grey | ..summer love? | hot | ..Jon? | athon | ..Mike? | ahhh! | ..Shea? | hmmm | ..banana? | yellow | ..dizzy? | spin | ..Laura? | she | ..Juan? | who | | park | ..white? | black | ..peppermint? | spearmint | ..New Found Glory? | old found glory | ..placebo? | rock | juice? | squeezed | ..candid camera? | huh | ..sister? | 2 | | 1 | ..hate? | yes | | dull | ..President? | dead | | rugby | ..rap? | yuk | ..pop? | yukka | ..rock? | rocks | ..punk? | wild | | yes please | ..death? | dark | | no | ..duuude? | ette | ..the end? | maybe | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
Post A Comment
Anonymous | 05-16-05 7:12am sex yes???
(reply to this) |
wiredshut | Re:, 05-16-05 9:49am obviously depends on circumstance! im not that much of a whore. (i hope). are you c?
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