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0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 (profile) wrote, on 6-9-2005 at 3:04pm | |
Current mood: AUGHHH! Music: My heart beat. ( My ear's stuffed up o---o ) Subject: WOMG! > |
NEVER.. TAKE.. DAYQUILL! YOO WEEL DIEEE!! Okay, so I was taking a pill for my cold ( which I STILL have >< ) and totally gagged. I was like "o-----o BLEAHEAHDASDHH! ~shpit~ Ewww" so I thought "Mmkay, I'll just take some cough syrup." To me, syrup ees SOU much better than.. a peel. Sure, eet tastes liek ze shitz, but eh! Eh! You can't gag on it, riet?! WRONG! LOSER! So I find the DayQuil, oukay? "Hmn! Only two tablespoons! Shouldn't be THAT BAD!" WRONG.. AGEN! LOSER! > Sou's I pour the vile orange liquid eento ze leetle cup-ee thing. "Hmn.. doesn't smell to bad" Okay, it didn't really smell bad, but whatever, WRONG! SOME MORE! LOSER! So I start drinking the stuff and I almost gag again! Not only is it thick and crazy menthol, the menthol ees SOU.. STRONG that my THROAT ees on FIERRRRRRR! FIAAAAA! Sweet Jesus! So basically, today's psychosis is that of a doctor.. "HURT THEM.. to HEAAAAAL THEMMM!" Yoo knou what, doc? I should hurt yoo tou heal meee! ~scalple! "OH SWEET JESUS, NOOO!" BWAHAHAHAHAH! ~spurt, slirt, slash, cut, cadaver~ Okay. It's shower time. Maybe. Hopefully Steven doesn't hate me still and will drive me to UTurn. Sou I can see some shmexies.. ~cough~Alex~cough~ Yeah. I love you Steven.. ~mumblesnickergigglesnort~ e------e; Keith, why aren't you at my house? And JADE, why aren't YOO at MAI HOUZ!?!?! And Naomi, I'm still REALLY sorry about yezterdai, mannn. And GERARD WAY, WHY AREN'T YOU AT MY HOUSE?! T----T Love, my darlings, love. ~ Zeh Emz ~ |
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Anonymous | 06-10-05 9:31pm Psh, I wish I was.
Anonymous | 06-11-05 10:47am theres U-turn?! o.O;;; Daaaamnn.....
0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 | Re:, 06-11-05 3:22pm I know! >---<
Anonymous | blech, 06-11-05 5:45pm *~maniacal laughter*~
a-demons-angel | EEEEE!, 06-12-05 3:26pm I'M BACK HO!