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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 6-11-2005 at 2:33pm
well, here I am. She's gone, it was the saddest longest most painful goodbye ever.

How do you say goodbye when you care that much?

it's going to be a long 11 months/ 334 days. I keep trying to put a year, or 11 months into perspective, but it doesn't seem to take, but I've never really thought of terms of years, mostly days, sometimes weeks, and once or twice a month.

so the waiting begins, and one must learn to survive from phone calls and e-mail.. and if someone can do that... I mean , c'mon, that's love right there.

but anyhow, got a lot of free time now, wanna hang out?
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06-11-05 2:42pm

I think that's really sweet. :) Good luck, I hope that everything works out.

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Re:, 06-12-05 12:06am


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Re: Re:, 06-12-05 1:26pm

what happens in 11 months?
If you really love her, go to her.
get a job, get some money, pack your shit and dont look back.

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Re: Re: Re:, 06-12-05 9:04pm

he's going to see her in 11 months

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06-12-05 12:21am

shit happens: that's my life motto

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06-12-05 10:18am

Like you sad..."How do you say goodbye when you care that much?"...
Good Luck!

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06-12-05 10:52am

yeah, I feel really bad for you.
Even compared to beth's whole situation, that reall sucks.

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06-13-05 12:21pm

hey kevin, i know we really haven't talked in a long time, but i just wanted to tell you, it will be okay. i did long distance more than once, and yes, it wasn't as far as in a different country, but i know what you'll be going through. and if it is true love, you'll see her in 11 months and everything will be just as it was when she left. if you need any encouragement, i'm here. i'll be praying for's hard, but worth it :)

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06-16-05 11:37pm

Hey hey stranger! I'm so proud of you ! yay! I still remember that letter you let me read in fifth hour ,and how it honestly brought tears to my eyes. I love you kiddo, and I am so happy for you.

I know you hate him, but him moving is the best thing that could happen for him, and we are making it work, so we'll both be waiting a year, we can wait it together what do ya say?

Wanna go see a movie or something next week? Give me a call 835-0862

i miss my hugs every day from you and dylan :(


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