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plainmornings (profile) wrote, on 2-10-2003 at 5:02pm | |
i'm really bored so don't mind me. First, this is really funny... well i was amused In Japan, the fat intake in the average Japanese diet is very low and the heart disease ratio is lower than in North America and the UK. However, in France, the average fat intake is very high, and yet, the heart disease ratio is lower than in North America and the UK. In India almost no one drinks red wine and the heart disease ratio is lower than in North America and the UK. In Spain, everybody drinks too much red wine and the heart disease ratio is lower than in North America and the UK. In Algeria, the average sexual activity ratio is very high and the heart disease ratio is lower than in North America and the UK. In Brazil, everybody has sex like crazy and the heart disease ratio is lower than in North America and the UK. In Austria, adults smoke 2 packs of cigarettes per day, on average. Conclusion: Drink, eat, smoke and screw all you want. It's speaking English that kills you. 1. DATE: Febs 10, 2003 3. Name on birth certificate: Vivi Tran 4. Nicknames: umm Viv's, Vi, Vister, Vivi (like Viv-e) umm i duno people call me all kinda things... midget, shorty etc. 5. Birth date: Dec. 20th, 1985 6. Age: 17 7. School: ATL baby! 8. Location: Boca Raton, Fl. 9. Email: 10. Colour of eyes: um brown... cuz i'm full of shit right? haha 11. Colour of hair: umm its debatable, black/dark brown 12. Height: umm i'm 2 feet tall... lol seriously 4'11" <- i know i'm a midget, shut up. 13. Shoe size: 7 - 7 1/2 depending.... 14. Brothers or sisters and ages: Vinh 13 15. Who you live with: Mis padres, mi hermano y mi gato Princess 16. Bedtime: well... because I NEVER get to sleep now thanks to a certain someone :0P 17. Carpet colour in your room: ummm beigey white i think... 18. Wall colour in your room: pink :0P HaVe YoU eVeR 19. Been so drunk you blacked out? nope 20. Missed school because it was raining? nope 21. Put a body part on fire to humour yourself? nope 22. Been hurt emotionally? lets not go there. Hurt is for the weak damnit! 23. Kept a secret from everyone? sure 24. Had an imaginary friend? haha 25. Wanted to hook up with a friend? yeah... i probably wouldn't recomment it.. 26. Ever cried during a movie? ima wuss. 27. Ever thought an animated character was hot? lol ummm noo... ::looks away:: lol 28. Had a New Kids on the Block tape? nope 29. Been on stage? last night 30. Cut your hair? yep in 3 months i'll be chopping off 12 + inches! 31. Been sarcastic? Sarcasm takes real brains :0P FaVoUrItEs 32. Shampoo: Herbal Essences! cuz its orgasmic rightttt??? haha 33. Soap: um... no preference i don't think 34. Colour: don't get me started on colors... but for Chris i'll put purple :0P 35. Day/night: night 36. Season: winter or spring or fall or ehh i like em all lol summers a bit hot though.. 38. Food: anything latino almost :0P i like lots of foods 39. Ice cream: yummmmm ice cream... 40. Subject: lol 41. Person: haha my favoritest person in the whole entire would would hafta be my pussy w/Chris at a close second :0P RiGhT nOw 42. Wearing: umm jeans & my pimpin yellow "emo" shirt as Ben put it 43. Feeling: sleepy 44.Eating/drinking: nada. 45. Thinking: i really wana see chris :0( 46. Listening to: nothing. 47. Talking to: was talking to AJ a sec ago but he just abandoned me :0( In ThE lAsT 24 hOuRs 48. Cried: nope, Chris makes me all smiles :0) 49. Worn a skirt: yesterday yes. 50. Met someone new: ummmm maybe... actually yes, I met Jim and Greg :0) 51. Cleaned your room: not really 52. Done laundry: nope Do YoU bElIeVe In 53. Boxes? its a state of mind. Is there a truth? haha TOK 54. Yourself? why not 55. Your friends? i'd like to 56. The tooth fairy? only if theres money involved :0P 57. Destiny/fate? I don't know... destiny proly not but fate maybe 58. Angels?it's a nice concept 60. UFO's? nope. aLIEn haha FrIeNdS aNd LiFe 61. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yessssss! Tengo un novio! girls i'm taking applications :0P 62. Do you like anyone? Chris <3 63. What friend have you known the longest? that i'm still good friends with... umm proly Chris Z. (since i'v been 4) and Jenn since elementary school 64. Who's the funniest? all my friends are funny... Canadian Dave though i'd have to say :0) 65. Who's the shyest? Noah :0P I have lots of shy friends though 66. Who do you go to for advice? ummm depends on what 67. Who do you cry to? haha how many times have I called Chris (Z) balling now... Troy's heard me cry too many times too. And of course Jenn through all these heart breaks lol 68. When have you cried the most? when Sascha died. 70. What do you think the best feeling in the world is? just relaxing and not having a care in the world... 71. Worst feeling? there are lots of bad feelings. MeH 72. Who will respond to you the quickest? um... proly by tomorrow 4 people will have this on their journal 74. Who sent this to you? i stole it from Jessika on deadjournal 75. Do you want everyone to send this back? um... no MoRe QuEsTiOnS Astrological sign: Sagittarius People describe you as: short, cute, nice sometimes, bitch .. its all there :0P Single or taken: taken :0) Piercings: ears & belly button :0) |
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orfwashere | 02-10-03 5:34pm yay for abandonment!
ClosetEmoKid | 02-10-03 6:35pm I wanna see you too...I'm stealing this now, it's gonna live in my journal |
alwaysyours | 02-10-03 6:36pm "girls i'm taking applications :0P"
i_bite | 02-12-03 7:23pm applies |