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Tails (profile) wrote,
on 7-27-2005 at 4:37pm
Subject: Sat. Party. My House
ok saturday is my birthday bonfire at my house lets just say it starts at ...dark? anyone know what time dark is lol. rain or shine this party is on. show up hang out burn shit. if you love me come lol. ok cant wait to see you all there.
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07-27-05 5:05pm

i would come but i have to go to my grandma's that day..sorry

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07-27-05 7:33pm

Dark is usually around 10:30-ish... that's my best guess.

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07-27-05 8:16pm

After work I might show up.

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07-28-05 6:13pm

well i guess lets count on 10-10:30ish for the fun to stizart. so yeah spread the news cats. i could use some loving.

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07-28-05 9:01pm

Will there be adult situations?

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Re:, 07-28-05 11:09pm

with luck there will be kelly...but only if we wish and wish hard.

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