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Atman (profile) wrote,
on 9-13-2005 at 11:32am
Current mood: meh
Subject: Huh
I guess the poll option is gone. Oh well.

I have to write a letter to a teacher for my edu class, and I'm having trouble deciding who to send one to. Should it be...

Fournier...j/k man, j/k.
teacher from middle school
Holtrop...I'll learn to spell her name
Or a combination of the above?
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09-13-05 12:07pm

norkus for sure

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09-13-05 12:09pm

oh em gee dood

nork-dogg FTW!!!

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Re:, 09-13-05 12:47pm

HA he says oh em gee like omg wont work., silly nerd

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09-13-05 4:26pm

Papa Nork-Dogg, fo shizzle!

he'll give you the straight poop, keeping it on the down low, if you ask him to!

wow, that sounds so wrong.

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Re:, 09-13-05 7:13pm

yes, it sounds beyond wrong, but it's true

you should write another to Andrus still, especially since he told this year's stats class that (statisticly) one of them was going to die

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09-13-05 10:33pm

hey, i'm gonna be at central the 24th. any chance of meeting you somewhere to hang out for a bit?

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09-17-05 8:39pm

norkus all the way

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