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holiday (profile) wrote,
on 11-1-2005 at 1:05pm
Ugh. Why are you being crappy? Whatever.

Things have been going good. I don't have to work this week. Art/Bev's is fun. Charlie is still really awesome. I can't wait.
Mom's surgery went really well. They took out some of her skull. :-( And stuff. Not like anyone really cares. But I do. I cried at the hospital last night and Charlie held me. I just don't like seeing her hurt. She was so out of it and her head was all bandaged up. You know, doctors are human, and they make a lot of mistakes. That's why I get so worried. But hopefully she'll be better now.
That's about it for now... Oh yeah, and I totally passed my Nutrition exam and my NRA (nat. restuarant association) test. Not the gun club test. blah. I'm so bored.
Come to Art & Bev's tomorrow we're open.
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11-01-05 1:12pm

hey i hope your mom feels better!

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Re:, 11-01-05 1:14pm

Aw Thank you! I miss you! How are you!? !~!!!!!
I like exclamation marks.

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11-02-05 2:01pm

hey, im glad your mom is doing ok. my aunt was asking me about it on halloween. she works with her or something.
but seriously if you want to talk about it you should call me. i know what you mean about not wanting to see your mom hurt. it kills me to see robby in so much pain all of the time. i know it's not the same, but it is still hard. he is getting his medication changed though. at least hopefully. he has been getting bad mood swings, he is always thirsty and he has to go to the bathroom all the time. so hopefully they can switch it. i dont know. this whole situation is so hard. i just wish he could be ok. you should tell your mom that i am thinking about her and i hope she feels better soon.

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Re:, 11-02-05 5:39pm

What aunt was it? Hm...
Yeah, she's on vicodin right now and her head is all bandaged up. It's sad. But she's getting better, she's just in pain. I hope they can change robby's meds! That's awful :-( Are they at least making him feel any better?

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