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Namu (profile) wrote,
on 1-6-2006 at 11:17pm
I feel SOOOO much better now. Not perfect, but that I know for certian that my love wants to be with me forever, and we can go through anything. It was really hard on her, and it's the hardest I've ever seen anything upset her, but we will be all right, and I'm SURE of that now. And that I am in love, TRULY in love, with the absolute best. The time has come where helping this world is of the utmost importance, but I surely do not want to lose what I have worked so hard for, and love to death. I am truly lucky in the sense of the word that this happened against all odds. It is hard though, cause helping others in this world and being in can't sacrifice one over the other, they both are just that important. Thank you so much honey, I fucking love you to death.

" will be okay"
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01-07-06 11:30am

i'm so happy that you're feeling better now.

I love you so much. i'd wait forever for you. i'd go to the ends of the earth if it meant that i could see you again...

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