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Tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 2-7-2006 at 12:47pm
I think karmas finally after me...
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02-07-06 10:29pm

kevin you should prove you're still alive and call/visit/throw stuff at me.
i'm not picky.

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02-08-06 3:36am

is she hot?


hehe, j/k man, you were here for me when i needed someone to talk to, so im here for you

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02-08-06 12:14pm

oh, come on. what have you done that is so kharmically unsound? or don't i want to know?

i think you should come pick up your bass... ahem.

i suppose i could deliver if it comes down to that. you know the number...

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Re:, 02-08-06 1:27pm

maybe he ran a batch off by hand in a church or something :P

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Re: Re:, 02-08-06 3:17pm

"or don't i want to know?"


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