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holiday (profile) wrote,
on 2-14-2006 at 8:46pm
Turn out the lights. My life, on standby. :-(

This weekend was different. Saturday Charlie and I drove all the way up to Gaylord to go to this restaurant called Legends on the Hill. It's at Treetops resort. Three hours away. It's where I wanted to go for New Years but we couldn't. He said he never forgot. And that felt really nice. When we got there it was totally different than we expected. Freezer paper tablecloths, the works. I just laughed. I don't think we needed a bigger sign that said "We're not from around here". But I laughed. The ride was nice. The talking. The silence. The laughing. Everything. All the gas stations we had to stop at so I could pee. Haha. It's a beautiful relaxing town that looks like Switzerland. I asked him to pull over on the way back so I could give him a ring that I'd gotten him.

Monday I spent the night there and waited up for him to get home from work. I stopped The Big Lebowski and jumped out of bed to greet him at the door with a hug. But he was upset and held on tight.

His mom has cancer.

But I have this feeling and I can't explain it. I've been praying so much for her to get better. I just have this feeling like it's not her time yet. How could I know such a thing? When I told him "It's going to be okay." He asked "How do you know?" And I had no idea. I just feel like how could God take such a wonderful person away like that. Maybe it just doesn't feel real. She has so many people who love her. And a new grand-daughter. She feels that our lives are pre-destined so she doesn't want to get treatment. I don't know. But I feel like she's going to be okay. I hope so. :-(
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02-14-06 9:07pm

I was concieved in Gaylord. And I'm sorry to hear about Charlie's mom. I'm praying for her.

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Re:, 02-15-06 9:49am

It's a really pretty city. Too bad you weren't named after it. hahaha. That'd be great!

Thank you <3

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02-15-06 3:24pm

i think she's got the right idea. i mean, i don't KNOW that we're all predestined for something. but if you believe enough to pray to a god that has the ultimate say, then what's the point in arguing with the ultimate say? she seems to be thinking along those same lines. i say hope for the best (and i will be, of course). and just, whatever happens, make the most out of whatever you can get.

: ) it'll be okay. gut feelings never lie. they are occasionally misinterpreted though.

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02-15-06 3:50pm

im really sorry about this all.
it seems foolish to me though that she won't get treatment.
perhaps she was meant to get treatment and beat this and learn from it. maybe she was predestined to show the people around her that they should never give up hope.
i think predestination, if it is true, can never be known fully by man (or woman). no one can know what God has in store for them. that is like thinking man can be omniscent.

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Re:, 02-15-06 10:06pm

Thanks guys.

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