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allyson (profile) wrote,
on 3-5-2003 at 9:30pm
Music: Evanescense~My tourniquet
Subject: I miss you soo much...
I miss justin so much right now. I pretty much was like tearing up in my living room, just so many things going on were building up and they were trying to break out... I wouldn't let them.

I felt like I could get no worse. I hated it. I couldn't have wanted anymore that minute then to just be with justin. In his arms.
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03-05-03 9:45pm

awwee, I miss you more than anything, Why was it being so bad like? What was wrong? I want to be there right now with you.... holding you in my arms...

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Re:, 03-05-03 9:52pm

everything was wrong... my parents wont ever let me see you or be with you without making me feel guilty... I need your arms right now... a lot

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