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tuwang (profile) wrote, on 4-3-2003 at 10:54pm | |
listen , I'm sick of this shit, Today at the talent show, fuzzy logic won. And by god they deserved it. We played ok, we did our songs, we had a good time. All you cocksmokers who are saying shit like I've been arguing are bastards. They did kick our ass. But it's not the end of the world. I love all you guys who are saying that we kicked their ass, but we didn't. Thankyou guys for the support. We have developed a great following. Even the faggots that hate me are still coming to our shows. Good job to fuzzy logic today, you guys are great. I've said shit about you guys only because of my temper. I didn't mean any harm(that being directed to gangles). You guys are awesome. So on that note, I'm out. | |
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sugarmouse0587 | 04-03-03 11:03pm that's big of you Kevin. Now I think I respect you more. |
cowsgomoo!!! | 04-04-03 1:19pm good job kevin. that took guts! well i'll talk to at your show.
tabletop | 04-04-03 2:13pm gangles is a very good singer. Still, you should have gotten bonus points for the hilarity that is Poser, and the lyrical genuis that is Possessions. |
happygolucky4646 | 04-04-03 7:54pm although freebird kicked massive ass in all arenas, it must be noted that no one can go wrong with freebird. it just can't go wrong. plus, they sure as hell didn't write freebird or the music. not to dis fuzzy logic cause it was good, but it wasn't there's. oh well, it still kicked ass. |
brad | 04-04-03 9:09pm exactly what i think kevin. i dont even need to say it. they kicked our asses this time. but next year will be a whole new ballpark. we will come out the best..and origional to boot. |
tonyp. | Re:, 04-10-03 8:29pm well i have a question
pacificsweetie8 | 04-05-03 2:36pm I still think you guys did better, but thats the way I am, I always stick up for my bands even if they sucked (which you didnt) but Im just saying! I think thats really cool that you said they did better, instead of being an ass and saying they didnt deserve it, I respect ya for that! *smiles*
TonyP. | 04-10-03 8:42pm i mean i really have no room to talk but why does everone always complan
tuwang | Re:, 04-10-03 11:05pm #1 your a little bit late, and #2 that was one of the dumbest revelations I've ever heard. Read what you write before you post it a week after the event happened. |
tuwang | Re:, 04-10-03 11:08pm your not really one to talk about not complainin either. |
TonyP. | 04-10-03 8:45pm i mean i really have no room to talk but why does everone always complan