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allyson (profile) wrote,
on 4-10-2003 at 1:40pm
Phil Childs: you're very rough around the edges
Allison Le Bel: then I guess I wont talk to naymore
Allison Le Bel: rouch?
Allison Le Bel: rough*
Phil Childs: rough
Phil Childs: yes
Allison Le Bel: what's that suppose to mean?
Phil Childs: it's not really a dual-meaning term, is it?
Allison Le Bel: ... umm well I don't understand what the only mean of it is pertaining to me
Allison Le Bel: meaning*
Phil Childs: hmmmm
Phil Childs: well then
Phil Childs: we're stuck, aren't we?
Allison Le Bel: yeah...
Allison Le Bel: then obviously I can't be called rough if you can't explain how that word connects with me
Phil Childs: maybe i just don't want to explain...
Phil Childs:
Allison Le Bel: ...also a sign that a man has no idea what they are talking about
Phil Childs: that's the most bullshit i think i've ever heard
Allison Le Bel: yeah... well that's what I thought when you said "maybe I just don't want to explain..."
Phil Childs: you wanna know why you're rough around the edges? because you're too blunt with what you say
Phil Childs: you have no sense of etiquette
Allison Le Bel: oh? should I?
Phil Childs: there ya go
Allison Le Bel: times change
Phil Childs: "just another reason why man has no idea what he's saying"
Allison Le Bel: you can get away with anything these days
Allison Le Bel: yes? that is too blunt?
Phil Childs: that's awfully naive of you
Allison Le Bel: is it?
Allison Le Bel: saying that or what?
Phil Childs: no- your thought-pattern is naive
Allison Le Bel: And how old are you and how old am I?
Allison Le Bel: I say whatever comes into my head I don't care about the consequences
Phil Childs: well considering the 4-year difference... i'd say that your question is retty much asnwered
Allison Le Bel: why should I be fake and not say what I though like everyone else?
Allison Le Bel: think*
Phil Childs: it's stupid to just speak your mind all the time
Phil Childs: it's senseless
Phil Childs: you'll learn that eventually
Allison Le Bel: I have learned I get in trouble a lot for it
Allison Le Bel: but I am not just going to keep it all to myself I am just like my grandmother
Allison Le Bel: If you don't like what I say don't listen
Allison Le Bel: and a lot of people like me for that as well
Phil Childs: why are young people so fucking stupid?
Allison Le Bel: that's just the way I am and will always be
Allison Le Bel: so you are calling me fucking stupid?
Phil Childs: no- i'm calling your generation in general fucking stupid
Allison Le Bel: I am actualy pretty smart
Allison Le Bel: No its what we grew up with people pushing things...
Phil Childs: uh huh
Phil Childs: always somebody else's fault, right?
Allison Le Bel: I may not act like it but I would rather be assumed to be dumb and be relatively smart than be dumb as a box and look/act smart
Phil Childs: what does that matter?
Allison Le Bel: no... you push it on yourself if you go with all of the other people pushing
Phil Childs: that's a pathetic immature point of view
Allison Le Bel: is it?
Phil Childs: yes, it is
Phil Childs: ha
Allison Le Bel: following the crowd? isn't that what people my age do?
Phil Childs: no, people your age (like yourself) want attention, so by 'speaking their mind' they're basically jumping up and down shouting for people to look at them... like an infant who's hungry...
Allison Le Bel: I don't ask for attention.. that is not why I say what I want.. you are classifying me as everyone else and that is exactly what I am not. I don't go out looking for attention I don't need other people to make me happy money is the only thing I care about
Phil Childs: see.... you're tyring to be different for only one reason: attention! so does that really make you so "unique" from the rest of the crowd?
Allison Le Bel: I do not want to be different for attention.. I want to be myself not someone else
Phil Childs: that's bullshit
Phil Childs: i've met so many people like you who think they're acting different, when really they're acting like millions of others
Allison Le Bel: Are you sure? because I am pretty sure I am saying how I feel.
Phil Childs: but why are you saying how you feel with no sense of control? because you want to be different, thus gaining attention
Allison Le Bel: no... I am talking to you ... do you think I want attention from you?
Phil Childs: i think half the things you say are merely said for the purpose of making a splash; for breaking the mold; defying the norm, whatever you want to call it; you're trying to be different... you're not trying to be yourself, you're just trying to make people stare
Allison Le Bel: NO I am not
Phil Childs: YES you are
Allison Le Bel: I don't think in my head... oh I should do this BECAUSE it will be different.. I think Oh I like this I think I want that or I want to do that
Phil Childs: oh so it's good and proper to just go speak your mind instead of holding your thoughts?
Allison Le Bel: no... but why should I hold it in?
Phil Childs: do you have no sense of ethics or morals?
Allison Le Bel: No I don't
Phil Childs: i think the only reason you are so vocal about being a virgin is because that's different than most, and just another attention device
Phil Childs: by trying to be different, you a JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE!
Allison Le Bel: nope I am proud that i am a virgin because I care enough about myself enough to not have sex before I am married
Phil Childs: why? because of "moral values"?
Phil Childs: i thought you didn't have any?
Phil Childs: huh?
Phil Childs: funny how you keep backtracking on your own answers...
Allison Le Bel: and the kids at my school do not seem to want to be like everyone else...
Phil Childs: uh huh
Allison Le Bel: You are the one that classified me as different.. I am being myself and if that is what being myself is then I guess you are right
Phil Childs: you don't impress me; i see you as the same as every other poor fucker who doesn't know that they're acting like an immature idiot
Allison Le Bel: I don't classify me
Allison Le Bel: I am sure I don't impress you why should?
Allison Le Bel: I*
Allison Le Bel: should I care?
Phil Childs: oh that's right- you're only being yourself
Allison Le Bel: yeah
Phil Childs: that's just a bunch of camo
Phil Childs: that's just a front- it's pathetic
Allison Le Bel: People at school don't stop and stare at me when I talk?
Phil Childs: do you think people can't see thru it?
Allison Le Bel: Oh and you can? So you are saying that I have this secret urge to be like everyone else.. you know be differnt just to be like everyone else so people will notice me?
Phil Childs: no, i'm saying that all you want is attention
Allison Le Bel: Let me tell you something I don't give a fuck what people think of me that is why I could care less if you think that I am trying to be like everyone else I am just keeping on going because this is fun
Allison Le Bel: yeah... hello... people noticing = peoples attention
Phil Childs: that's just another front
Phil Childs: why don't you just pierce every part of your body and wear all black clothing?
Phil Childs: it'd be quicker than this pathetic scheme you're pulling
Allison Le Bel: Oh really?
Allison Le Bel: why would I want to pierce every part of my body and where all black stereotyping I see. that is why I don't classify myself and I hope to god I never turn out like you and assume I know fucking everything
Phil Childs: maybe i do know everything
Phil Childs: maybe i don't
Phil Childs: but i do know more than you, obviously
Phil Childs: and you'd be smart to listen
Allison Le Bel: There is not maybe in knowing everything it is impossible..
Phil Childs: uh huh
Phil Childs: i forgot- you know everything
Allison Le Bel: I would be smart to listen to you? No... it wouldn't I have my own opinions and views... and I will go by them before I change my mind and go by everything else
Allison Le Bel: No I don't... I never said that
Allison Le Bel: I know for sure that I don't know everything I don't know a lot I am pretty smart is what I said... that would mean in my classes
Phil Childs: isn't it ironic how all your views are "radical" and "different" from everybody else's? oh, and isn't it ironic how your views just happened to get blurted out to make a statement? sounds like somebody sure doesn't want attention, right?
Allison Le Bel: I don't say it for attention I say it because we are talking about it
Allison Le Bel: it's not just like out of the blue I am going to be like I'm a virgin!! in the middle of a crowd of people
Allison Le Bel: no if I am talking aobut it with people sure I will tell and I will want to know about them too
Phil Childs: uh huh
Phil Childs: it's all a face
Allison Le Bel: yeah...
Phil Childs: same face everyday; get's boring after awhile
Allison Le Bel: Oh?
Phil Childs: and quite honestly i don't have time for your type
Allison Le Bel: Time for my type?
Phil Childs: did i stutter?
Allison Le Bel: I hate people who group people together we are not fucking ants
Phil Childs: yes, you are an ant
Allison Le Bel: then what are you?
Phil Childs: and there's a million others just like you, so stop trying to be different
Allison Le Bel: the stereotypical ass
Allison Le Bel: no I am not tring to be different just myself
Phil Childs: uh huh
Phil Childs: i'm sure
Phil Childs: that's what they all say
Phil Childs: it's pathetic
Phil Childs: be yourself without shouting it out loud
Allison Le Bel: if I happen to like something someone else does I am just not going to stop likeing it because they do
Allison Le Bel: I don't shout it
Allison Le Bel: if it's brought up I will talk
Allison Le Bel: but I don't just say it for no reason ask all the people I hang out with
Phil Childs: yeap
Phil Childs: i'm sure
Allison Le Bel: are you now?
Phil Childs: i think everything has been said
Allison Le Bel: you seem to be sure on everything I say
Phil Childs: now you're just repeating
Allison Le Bel: because you aren't getting it
Allison Le Bel: you keep on saying the same thing as well
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04-10-03 1:53pm

what the hell is his problem? *cracks neck*

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Re:, 04-10-03 1:56pm

Exactly what I thought!!

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04-10-03 2:43pm

phil... what a dumb ass i hope he falls off a cliff and dies, Fucking beaner

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Re:, 04-10-03 3:18pm

Phil is fucking stupid. He's a jack ass and has to be right all the time. He will put up an argument, repeat himself to the end of the world and still think he's 100% correct. when he's just fucking stupid and too argumentative for his own good. He needs to be kicked..

Oh and justin, he's not the beaner, thats Brian.. Phils the dog fucker...

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Re:, 04-11-03 4:53pm

FAGGOT! -Phil the Almighty

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Re: Re:, 04-11-03 4:54pm

well fuck you too!

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04-10-03 8:14pm

phil is a poopbutt... HAHAHA damn dog fucker

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~_^, 04-11-03 6:08am

Phil Childs: why don't you just pierce every part of your body and wear all black clothing?

whoa.. he's is/b> a stereotypical bastard .. isn't he.

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KISS MY ASS YOU LITTLE PIGLETS!!!, 04-11-03 4:52pm

Hello my peoples! First of all, I'd like to say that I am flattered that you would all spend so much time and energy discussing my conversational techniques. Second of all, I'd just like to take this opportunity to say FUCK OFF!!!!! You little faggots couldn't tell an asshole from an eggplant! I think it is incredibly pathetic that none of you have anything better to do with your time than discuss what I've said to a little nitwit named Allison. The intent was never to offend, but more to spread the light of truth and justice onto her pathetic mundane existance. You people are accomplishing nothing by your words other than humoring me, so I'd like to take this opportunity to say GET A FUCKING LIFE!!!! That is all; you may all go about your pathetic lives now. There's nothing to see here, so just move along! -Phil the Almighty

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Re: KISS MY ASS YOU LITTLE PIGLETS!!!, 04-11-03 8:03pm

well phil, its simple... this is an eggplant

and this is an asshole... enjoy

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Re: KISS MY ASS YOU LITTLE PIGLETS!!!, 04-11-03 8:12pm

To Phil the Almighty at sucking my dick

listen dickhead, you wanna call me little? please little slut. how would you know the difference then an asshole and an eggplant? expermienting? please, i know all about the humoring. thats the reason i do it. and there is somthing to see here, you suck on my fat knob. now, if you got somthing to say, come to cedar and say it little bitch.

your friend- the pimp

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