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allyson (profile) wrote,
on 5-20-2003 at 9:14pm
Current mood: confused
Music: jim's voice
Subject: Guys are...
Well, I have written in a bit... a lot has happened. I can hear my fathers laughter right now. He's watching a fat guy dance with a stick and a bunch of pretty women. I got my hair cut. It's okay... I guess. I've been talking to jay a lot adn I was talking to james but he hasn't been on lately. It's okay though. I'm sure he has a good reason.

Blah, nothing to say. I'm kinda sad I guess. I like so many people right now it's confusing. I have so many reasons to not date them but... I want to? It's dumb. I hate what they do to me. They make me so fragile. I just don't want that.. not now and I don't know if that's what I want in the futre... well I do want it but... I don't know if I can handle it. After me finally giving into my love with justin... and he then breaking up with me... for a certain reason... it really... it was bad. And it kinda feels like this happened a while ago but it wasn't.. It was monday.
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05-21-03 7:43pm

I'm sorry ethernet card was a piece of shit so i had a day without internet...

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Re:, 05-22-03 6:16pm

It's okay... I was just wondering.

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